
Does the starbucks cafe soy latte contain extra sugar?? or is it just soy milk and espresso?

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Well when I tasted it is was pretty sweet tasting. I didn't know if it was the soy milk or if they added sugar.




  1. the soy milk Starbucks uses is vanilla flavored soy milk. it has a lot of sugar in it. so maybe that is why... unless the Batista decided to add sugar... who knows!

    but no is doesn't contain extra sugar.

  2. If there were no sweetener added to the soy beans or the coffee beans, it would make your hair stand when you tasted it.

  3. It doesn't contain any extra sugar that SB puts in it, however, my local SB uses that Vanilla Silk Soymilk, which tastes sweet...I'm not sure what the sugar content is in the soymilk though....

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