
Does the state of Colorado do recycling like cans and stuff for money like NY and CA do?

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Just curious. Staying here for a bit and I got tons of Pepsi cans. We save them. In NY the recycle places are in the grocery stores, in CA there's sites to take the cans back to. You get refunds for your deposits. But what about in Colorado?




  1. I believe there are still "can banks" here in Colorado, machines you can feed cans into and get some money back.

    According to the TV show Seinfeld, the best place to take your cans is Michigan. I think you can get 5 or 10 cents apiece for them there, but you have to have a postal truck first. (If you've seen the show, you understand that last statement!)

  2. In Colorado we do not have deposits or redemption value on glass, aluminum or plastic containers.

    there are some places that do pay you for aluminum by the pound.  you will have to look it up in the yellow pages.

  3. sorry dont know about colorado

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