
Does the state of georgia give employees compensated time off who lose a family member in death?

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Does the state of georgia give employees compensated time off who lose a family member in death?




  1. Sure they do.  I can't image that you haven't asked your boss instead.

  2. its up to the employer, but legally no employer has to grant you anytime off with pay.  Some employers do, but legally none are required to.  In some states and in some cases that dont even have to grant you leave for a funeral.

  3. They don't have to compensate you, but they should allow unpaid time off.  Look up Family Medical Leave Act.  The family member may need to be immediate family to qualify.

  4. i am not in georgia but i have worked for state agencies before and usually they will give you the day off for the funeral and sometimes you will get an extra day or two of travel time.

    i would contact personnel for more information and i am sorry for your loss.

  5. You might be able to get a 3 day compensated bereavement leave if it was an "immediate" family member.

    Most of the other posters above me mentioned the Family and Medical Leave Act, however there is no "compensation" involved.   It does let you leave your position for up to 12 weeks.  However during that time, you receive $0 from the employeer.

  6. Maybe not paid time but              you can take FMLA time for FMLA regulations and georgia employment regs. all states and all fed workers laws and rights are in this site.

  7. That situation is not part of the family leave act. This site should help you understand what is covered.

  8. Depends on the relative. A parent, uncle, aunt--3 days off.

    A lot of employers are cutting back here and so it's not as easy to get time off for other than someone immediately related.

  9. Yes, its under the family bereavement act. Speak to your HR department about the amount of days you get.

  10. I hope so by law they must provide at least 3 days many places sepcially a state job with a union will do even better

  11. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is not compensated time off-it is unpaid time but does require they not fire, demote or replace you permanently and continues your health and other benefits plus does not count negatively towards attendance or bonuses based on attendance at work but it is not required to be paid time off and very seldom is.  Funeral Leave as it is commonly called is not a requiement under any federal law but is common at large companies and universal at local and state government and is typically paid; check the benefits side of the city you work in or look at the state benefits if you are a state employee and it should be listed.  Typically it is three days paid but some are less and others increase it if you are required to travel to attend the funeral and the term immediate family does include in-laws and is further extended by some companies to inclde grandparents but have never seem a policy that did not include the Mother/Father/Sister/Brother in Law being defined as immediate family.

  12. Sorry about your loss. :(

  13. they should pay 3 days for loss of  immediate family, call supervisor and let them know asap.Also the family leave act is for longer time off needed but you wont get paid for that time off,its been set up to protect you so your job is still there when you return to work up to 18 months sorry for your loss also go to state web site for all your benefit needs the can be a big help.

  14. The Family and Medical Leave Act

    Covered employers must grant an eligible employee up to a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period for one or more of the following reasons: (See Sources*)

    Be sure to note these key words of the FMLA:

    ~ covered employers

    ~ eligible employee

    ~ unpaid leave

  15. If you are asking if the State has law that calls for bereavement compensation for employees in the private sector, the answer is no - it depends on each particular employer.  However, the State (as an employer) may have different rules.  The State of GA does NOTHING for its citizens and, if left to its demises, slavery would still be the preferred form of labor in this backward state

  16. If you work for the state government, you should go to and search for your department plus "employee bereavement time."

  17. No.  Most state offices allow employees time off and to sue vacation or sick time for this purpose. But there is no specific compensation paid.

  18. I'm confused... are you asking because you work for the state? Or just because you work in the state of Georgia? Either way, it's employer's discretion. Just ask.

  19. It has to be immediate family - not in-laws, aunts, uncles, etc..  Even if your father-in-law was like your dad for years and years.

  20. Yes.

    Many of my brood were brutally murdered by poachers.  The state of Georgia compassionately took me under their wing and gives me food, drink, and shelter in one of their zoos.

    All I have to do is participate in a violent p**p fight three times a day with my other ape friends.

    It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing.

  21. Depends, but ask your employer, he would know

    usually 3 days...;...

  22. Bereavement leave benefits are a matter of agreement between employers and employees or employers and labor unions that represent employees.

    In other words, there are no Federal employment or labor laws that require U.S. employers to provide bereavement leave, whether with or without pay.

    Check your employment contract if you have one or ask your supervisor or human resources rep.

    It is common practice that employers provide 3 paid days in case of the death a close family member, such as spouse, parents, stepparents, siblings, children, stepchildren, grandparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or grandchild.

    Full time employees might get 1 paid day off  to attend the funeral of a close, non-family member. This is usually monitored closely by a supervisor to prevent fraudulent claims.

  23. Bereavement leave is a very common benefit, but their are no laws requiring that a company offer that benefit.  If you're work for the state, I'd be surprised if it wasn't a benefit that offered.  The employer can lay it out any way they wish, but typically it's 1-3 days and may be limited to immediate family, but also very well may extend to grandparents, aunts and uncles.  It's also common that the employer request you give them a funeral program to substantiate that you took the time off appropriately.

  24. family members are the ones who have to clean out the residence and get all the legal things done. also it is a distracting thing so you are pretty much worthless while atwork thinking of them and how it is going to affect your life...

  25. It depends on who you work for, it's call bereavement leave (I think) the usual time off is three days. But it depends on the company that you work for.  If you have a job that you accrue annual or sick leave, then I'm sure that they have that too.  But if you work for a fast food, or restaurant type place I'm sure they wouldn't.  If you have a death in your family I'm very sorry.  Its a tough time to go through and I would hope that you get the support you need.

  26. They should, if it is a federal law then it is new, the company I work for just started last year giving three days off with pay for death in the family. In state out of state it did not matter. Before if you had vacation time you used it if not to bad. You got the time off no pay.  Every other company I have worked at since 1966 has had it, till I got here. I did not even ask till my dad passed away and I found out. Only took them to 2007 to get with the program and I live in fairly large city in Texas.

  27. The Federal Law I think people are referring to is FMLA, or Family and Medical Leave Act.

    Now, from the Department of Labor's website:

    "The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require payment for time not worked, including attending a funeral. This type of benefit is generally a matter of agreement between an employer and an employee (or the employee's representative)."


    "The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year. It also requires that their group health benefits be maintained during the leave."

  28. Yes they do. You automatically get three days off and you can use sick leave for it. If you need more time you can request it through your immediate supervisor and they almost always ok it...

  29. Check with your HR rep to see if you have "bereavement" benefits. government employees usually have this benefit. my employer gives 3 days total bereavement pay for the death of an immediate family member (sibling, parent, child) but depending on the circumstances, i've seen them grant this benefit for step-family and grandparents.

  30. 3 days off is common but not "law", there is no such law for bereavement, (they may request to see the obituary, it is a legal request btw)

    As for compensation, that depends on whether or not your employer offers that, typically they don't. But you can to choose any vacation time you've accumulated.

  31. Yes all states give 3 to 5 days off for the death of an immediate family member. Check Georgia's policy each state has a slightly different definition of immediate family member.

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