
Does the state pay foster parents?

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i know some people who have 5 foster kids right now - ---




  1. I'm in the process of becoming a foster parent, where i live you are sent a check of 365 for a child up to age 6, the state is very admit that this is not an income... this is a reimbursement for the care of the child...though in Germany you are paid 2,000 us dollars a month per child.. to be a foster parent. the child also receives free lunch in school and a quarterly clothing allowance....

  2. I get $460. per month, I spend about that much on her private school.  She also takes piano and dance and must eat and wear clothes and visit McDonald's and Chuck E. Cheese once in a while. She also needs to bring gifts to a birthday parties and go to the zoo and the movies...$460. per month does not begin to cover it.

    I don't know if your making a judgment call on them, but if they are providing a loving, safe and secure home for them then what does it matter if they have 1 or 10 foster children?

    I have four children that I gave birth has ever asked if I get paid for them.

  3. Yea but not very much. These children have alot of needs. It's ashamed they don't get payed more and more children are not adopted out of foster care. As you know most adopted parents want new Born's and not damage goods. God bless the ones that adopt out of the foster care program, for that is what adoption should be about

  4. they get mega bucks.

  5. Yes, but they do not get "mega bucks."

    In my state, the average foster parent for a healthy child with no needs under 13 receives a whopping $33.64 per day.

    I have the form right in front of me.  There are different need levels and it goes up $5 with different needs like special ed, destructive behaviors, medical needs the works.

    Level III tops out at $58.64 per day up to 13 and 68.64 per day over..

    For that they feed, house, drive to school, drive to therapy, drive to doctors, meet with the school, meet with the agency, repair the damage a disturbed child does to their home...etc.

    There are some creepy people who think that is enough money and do it for money, but I always find ways of discouraging anyone who asks about money right off, or who asks about it a lot.

    I have licensed many foster parents in 5 years....only a handful asked about money.

  6. Yes, they get paid.  It depends on the level of care needed for the child.  

    When we fostered, we revieved just under $20/day for each child.  We also received Medicaid, WIC, and other services.

    Those caring for 'High demand' children, i.e. those with documented physical, developmental, or psychological issues, may recieve more.  Also, the foster parent reimbursement is not considered taxable income (for less than 8 kids).

    I found the money and support adequate.  Not overly generous, but enough that it covered basic care of the children.  I feel if it was more money it would encourage abuse of the system.  Frankly, most of people I know foster for altruistic reasons, not for the money.  If you were to put more money into the system, it should be put into hiring more and better CPS Caseworkers.

  7. Yes we get paid. But the money belongs to the child. It pays for room and board, food, clothing, extra-curricular activities, etc. We could not personally take in our 4 foster kids without pay. My husband and I would both have to get 2nd jobs, and then our family/marriage would fall apart because that is insane!! Our time together is priceless and the kids need as much family time as possible. When we became foster parents we had to prove that we do not need their money in order to get by. You cannot make money off the kids. Plus it's not a whole lot. We end up sacrificing other areas in our life to get them more and do more with them, etc.

  8. They do. It varies greatly by state.

    The link below has some numbers with the dates they were verified.

  9. they get a good  ammount but after they buy clothes and food it comes out of thier own money eventually.

  10. The average pay for an ordinary child living 24/7 in a foster home for a month is between $340-$470 a  month in most states....

  11. I saw the first answer and had to reply...we DO NOT get mega least in the state that I live in.  

    I get a total of 220 per month and that had / has to cover...



    baby food





    learning utensils


    over the counter medications...

    transportation to and from wherever


    (initial things) car seat / baby bed / sheets / etc...

  12. Yes..they do get help.

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