
Does the suffering of American jews justify the expulsion of the Palestinians?

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Not that I'm convinced American jews are suffering. But that is the claim and apparently the basis for gung-ho U.S. support for the Tel Aviv regime.




  1. surprise

    if i knew that earlier i would have sympathized with them

    at least i know what American weapons doing over here

    some of tear gas  were just manufactured one weak only before its usage .sounds if these were only manufactured for the usage against Palestinians

    the best magazine images picture in America  was that in which  one little boy speaks to Palestinian boy:

    * -my father told me that you are a terrorist

    the Palestinian answered

    my father told me nothing because your father killed my father

  2. Yes it does...

  3. The expulsion of the Palestinians is NOT "ideologically" based on the suffering of American is based on the Holocaust. However, some of the biggest proponents for the pro-Israel dogma are American Jews who perpetuate this theory that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic and on-par with Nazism. American Jews are the most successful minority group in America (this is in part because they have "cashed in" on their white privilege while selling out their minority status) AND are using past legitimate antisemitism  to justify doing what IS on par with Apartheid to the Palestinians. I had my heart set on going to Israel this year on birthright, but after I did some personal research into the subject I didn't want to go to Israel as an American Jew because I was ashamed.

  4. If it were a democracy,Palestinians would enjoy citizenship upon birth. And no jew would have it without naturalization unless born there; it is an ethnic state,not a democracy.

    American jews do not suffer and there is no basis for a so-called jewish homeland.

  5. Of course not. Even if American Jews were suffering as much as the Palestinians, why are Palestinians to blame for that?

    Furthermore, I'm studying in America right now. I know Jews and have Jewish friends. Not one of them shows any sign of suffering.

  6. there was no expulsion of palestinians. there was a population swap, but it was equal. jews moved from the arab world into israel and arabs moved from israel into the arab world.

    it's not israel's fault the arabs have kept them in refugee camps. israel absorbed all the jews into israeli society.

  7. Formal answer:  no, because American Jews by and large are not suffering.

    Comment:  You are using a fallacious argument to try to bolster an invalid, persistent point of view.  Israel is the only democracy in the region, and is constantly threatened with destruction by all of her neighbors.  No better reason to support her than that is needed.

  8. the "suffering" that the American Jews as you describe, does not compare to what the Palestinians has/still going Through

  9. I'm sorry .."suffering"? to what are referring??  :)

    u.s support of isreal is born of mutual interests.

    israel exists not because it has a "right" (i don't get that  word..what does "right" have to do with existence?you either exist or you don't ) but because it does.

    israel's a has been a fact for thousands of years..and the u.s accepts that fact.

    a mutual interest is the basis of ties between all nations.

    the palastinians "expulsion" is a distortion of the truth since those palestinians who stayed in the land are citizens of israel,an integral part of the state of israel and rightly so.i have no distinction between israelis of jewish descend and israelis of palestinian muslim descend, we are all israelis.

  10. Were are we being expelled from, no one can expell us, and how are you mixing American Jews and us, you are very confused, there are no official Israeli government offices in Tel Abib, all decisions are made in El Kuds, that Jerusalem for you..

    Are you pro Palestinian or pro Israel ??:

  11. The basis of U.S. support is the idea that this was a government founded by Holocaust survivors. It was not. None of the leading zionists involved with it's creation were holocaust survivors. Incidentally American Jews are not suffering; other than teenage graffiti on synagogues - no more common than teenage graffitti on Christian houses of worship -  even mere prejudice has passed away. Certainly there is no discrimination or state persecution. They are at the high level of the socio-economic strata.

    Nothing justifies despoiling the right of all people to political self-determination and had the UN bothered to stage a referendum in Palestine during the mandate,it is common sense that it would have indicated the desire for a non-discriminatory unitary state.

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