
Does the sun in the UK set as late as it does Ireland during summer times?

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Does the sun in the UK set as late as it does Ireland during summer times?




  1. There's just a few minutes difference.

    = )

  2. No, Ireland is slightly later because it's further west but in the same timezone.

    It's easy to figure out how much later:

    The earth turns 360 degrees in 24 hours.  London's longitude is 0.11 degrees and Dublin's is 6.27 degrees.  So they're 6.16 degrees apart.  If the earth takes 24 hours (or 1440 minutes) to turn 360 degrees, it takes (1440 x 6.16)/360 = 24.64 minutes to turn 6.16 degrees.

    So the sun sets in London 24.64 minutes earlier than it does in Dublin.

  3. By the UK, you presumably mean mainland Britain.

    During summer, the sun will set earlier in the south of England than it will in Ireland, but in the north of Scotland it will set later than in Ireland.

    The distance east-west between the islands of Britain and Ireland has less effect on the timing of sunrise and sunset in summer than how far north or south they lie.

    In summer, the most northerly parts of the UK (the Scottish highlands and islands) get the longest days.

    Sunrise comes earlier and sunset is later.

    In the Shetland isles, the northernmost point of the UK, there are 19 hours of daylight in midsummer. The sun rises at around 3.30am and sets at about 10.30pm. It never gets quite dark; the locals call it the 'summer dim'. In other words, they're right on the edge of the 'land of the midnight sun'.

    (You can read a bit more here: )

  4. well sometimes during summer when i'm talking to relatives in maidstone(kent) they say it's pitch black when the sun is just about to set here in dublin,ireland so there is i'd say about 30 mins-60 mins difference depending on longitude

  5. There is a difference of a few minutes. If you stand on on side of britain to the other you would see the sun rise/ set a few minutes off to the person on the other end. Its from the curviture of the earth

  6. It's a tiny bit later in Ireland, because Ireland is further west.

  7. I can't speak for all of the UK, but when Big Brother evictions are taking place (Borehamwood, Herts) , it's live feed, and it is broad daylight here and its almost pitch black over there. This is usually in late July/Early August times so I'm not sure what it's like during the rest of the year.

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