
Does the sun(newspaper) actually lie?because I think they lied about George Sampson. THANKS!?

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Does the sun(newspaper) actually lie?because I think they lied about George Sampson. THANKS!?




  1. I wouldn't say they lie, they just find a story and exaggerate it so much it's basically untrue.

    They didn't lie about George. He does have a spine disease but it's nowhere near as bad as the Sun made out.

  2. They speak the truth!.....

  3. I am surprised that you have even ask this question. Of course the Scum lies,  it's a snoozepaper only interested in selling as much papers as possible and if the can create a misleading headline then all the better.

    P.S. Who is the poor sap George Sampson and what did he do??

  4. The sun, like most of the redtops is 50% exaggeration and 50% imagination.

  5. How or what did they supposedly  lie about?

  6. What did they say about him?

  7. Not just the Sun. The first rule of any journalist is; Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

  8. If you come across a newspaper that actually tells the whole truth, please let me know because i may then buy one....

  9. the sun and telling the truth do not go in the same sentance. Put it that way.

  10. lol the sun and lying? duh!!! the sun is a biased newspaper!

    not a good source!!

  11. i think so too but i dont know

  12. the sun definitely do lie!!

    look at how many celebs have sued them!

    hve a look on google, you'l probly find out on there!

  13. The Sun newspaper is a tabloid, it does not offer real news.

    The fact that it is owned by Rupert Murdoch should tell you something.

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