
Does the taste of Chicago seem like a disgusting place 2 eat?

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i live in chicago and its not bad to me but i did get sick last year!!!!




  1. Yeah, not my idea of Chicago.  Leave it to the tourists.

  2. nope

  3. kinda. my friend got food poisoning from there this past sat. it was fun though -we got to see Stevie Wonder-awesome:)

  4. its great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I was in Chicago last year during it and I vaguely remember there being a horrible stint of food poisoning from it...

  6. Why would you say that. I think its good.

  7. Yes.  It's terrible.  And all of the slow, fat suburbanites come into town for it.  Avoid it at all cost.  In fact, avoid Chicago that weekend if you can.

    If not, head to the northern neighborhoods for some good food.

  8. No, not at all.  The vendors take every precaution to keep their food safe.  They don't want a bad rep!  The food is so varied - something for everyone.  Today is the perfect day to go...the high will be only 71 degrees.  Perfect! and free entertainment. (today is Sunday June 29).  Go and enjoy.  You may have gotten sick from over-eating!

  9. Yes and no.  I think you just have to be careful and keep your eyes open.  See what everyone else is eating and judge for yourself.  I think you are at risk whether you are eating it from a stand or eating at their place of business.  

    But you do get some good cooking for a cheaper price.

  10. No, I  am going this weekend for the first time. I think it's a great opportunity to see what different resturants have to offer w/o driving all around town to eat. =)

  11. Omg its great! Sun, music people, food and booze what else could you want??

    Look the way I see it, you dont know what people do at fast food places (and i have heard many stories, you dont know what restaurants do PERIOD behind close doors) At the taste your to distracted by the good stuff to sweat the small stuff.

    Go have fun enjoy the summer cuz its almost over

  12. omg  the taste is the best it has so much you like rock it there you like  to see a radio station  live its their you like to eat oh my gosh it packed full  of great food.

  13. no its amazing

  14. no, i would enjoy .  eat no meat or creamed anything ,   it can be food poisening if it gets too warm

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