
Does the temporary color hair spray cause cancer?

by  |  earlier

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You know, like the halloween one. I heard that it causes cancer and my mom & sister won't let me use it because they say it's not safe. I tried looking it up but I didn't find anything that said it causes cancer. Does it?




  1. No it doesn't cause cancer. Are you the real Miley?

  2. ;-;

    EVERYTHING causes cancer, doesn't it.

    I think if it caused cancer they would have stopped selling it.

  3. So many things cause cancer now but as far as I know this does not any more than anything else. Every thing we do now can cause it. Pesticides do, which means unless we grow all food totally natural we are at risk. If we wear clothes we are at risk unless they are organic. etc..... unless our carpet is organic, etc.... and so on... Do we drink water? It as well has checmicals in it even if it falls from the sky

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