
Does the term "managing director" within a company have any legal status or is it just a title?

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if someone forms a private limited company could they refer to themselves as the md or would they just be a sole director???




  1. Call Yourself the Head Bottle-Washer in Charge for as much as anyone cares.  The paper work involved will define what those roles are.  I.E. The position of Head Bottle-washer in Charge shall be responisble for directing day to day activities of the Bottle-Washers in Charge.  Bottle-Washers in Charge will provide labor for creating the clean bottles.

  2. A managing director has no special status as such under the Companies Acts so to that extent it is "just" a title. A sole  director can be a "sole" because Company Law only requires there to be at least one. The term "managing director" reflects the fact that the M.D is the senior manager in the company but it is a status internal to the company conferred by the other directors and/or shareholders.

  3. Interestingly the legal status is the same for any director and managing has no extra legal status. However in a practical terms someone needs to take on the responsibilty of overall command to ensure the company meets the sales goals.

  4. Directors (all of them) are legally responsible for a limited company.

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