
Does the textbook definition of feminism and real world feminism match?

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if you consider this question to be trolling tell me why (cuz, and because its you does not count).




  1. yes.

    textbook definition of the word feminism is - 'movement for recognition of the claims of women for rights (legal, political etc) equal to those possessed by men'.

    it is the same in the real world...only, women at times tend to over step and try to take advantage of the term feminism.

  2. these naive liberal feminists keep saying what feminism is and isn't as if their opinion and influence has meaning.

    feminism is defined, in the real world, by mentally unwell, right wing radical hate mongers who seek vengeance. it's about vengeance, transfer of assets and control.  

    feminism should be monitored in the same way that other right wing groups and cults are.

  3. Easily 90% of feminist match the textbook definition.   Course it's the other 10% everyone seems to remember.

    It's you!  

    sorry had too! I didnt report your Q or any others.

  4. You must be jesting! According to feminist HQ it is about sweetness and light (and feminists all have gently-fragranced farts, no doubt). But some folk will believe anything.

  5. textbook:

    feminism = egalitarianism

    real world

    feminism = misandry


    Look at the answer "Gorgeous" gave.  LOL.  "According to feminist HQ."  My God, theyre preparing for all out war!  They have a headquarters... factions everywhere.  Talk about taking feminism to a fanatical extreme

  6. In this day and age no.

  7. Of course it doesn't, women don't read textbooks, they read magazines.

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