
Does the thought of a socialist being president bother you?

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Does the thought of a socialist being president bother you?




  1. Yes. McCain scares me very much.

  2. No, but thanks for your concern. You truly are a scholar.

  3. Yes, because it requires big government which means ever more entrenched bureaucratic special interests and interference with the individual.  Given our history I don't see the US being like the Netherlands, but more like Stalin if it goes socialist.  The special interests already have such a stranglehold.

    I'd rather have Nader than Obama or McCain, but I would FAR rather have Ron Paul.

  4. .Yes yes and YES

    Competition and capitalism are the only things that have proven to produce in the long run and they also promote freedom. Obama is worse than socialist though he is going to take our choices away.

    You can't drive an SUV anymore or eat all the food you want remember?

    To Obama Americans are fat pigs that should learn the hard way what poverty really is. Lets all send our money to the UN to hand over to whom ever Obama ends up being the king of later on.

  5. Yes

    Would people please stop saying if you make less than 250k a year you will do better with Obama's plan.

    It is patently untrue. If you make less than 75k you will do better with Obama's plan if you don't own any stock.

    If you make between 75 k and 250k he is doing away with Bush's tax cuts. AND raising capital gains for EVERYONE!

  6. No more than the thought of a fascist being president....  

  7. As a matter of fact,  it does.   There is no such a thing as

    free money - all money that comes through the Government came from the pockets of fellow Americans who earned it,

    and then come along Socialists like Obama who pick those pockets - it is nothing more than common theivery.

    Pickpocket politics;  He will pick the pockets clean of all of us who actually work for a living, who get up early each morning and give more than 8 hours, because we want a better life for our families - and then comes the socialist President who will take that money, penalize you for not being a lazy reprobate and give your money to:

    1. those who lay in bed all day, ride a bicycle at noon, and have their mommy do their laundry. These lefties sit on the sofa all day long while others serve in the Military, work hard at factories, and are in service to their fellow Americans - and, while they are laying on the sofa, they are whining and complaining that "life just isn't fair".  These feel they deserve more without doing a thing. They feel entitlement to another man's blood, sweat, and tears.

    Obama, like Karl Marx, recognizes that "Democracy is the new road to socialism".  Obama promises to "take from each according to his ability; and give to each according to their need".  This is nothing new, nothing not already tried, or some progressive notion - Socialism is just a train stop on the way to COMMUNISM.

    Obama constantly spouts words that people read right over and never realize what he is actually saying, like:

    "The economy and society should be run democratically, to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be RADICALLY TRANSFORMED THROUGH GREATER ECONOMIC AND social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives".

    Sounds great, huh?  The statement is not only from Obama, but also poste on the "democratic socialists of America" website.  If you want to take the time to read the whole post, you will find it is the ENTIRE OBAMA PLATFORM, and it is communist to it's very core.

    *universal healthcare IS socialized medicine.

    *A Nationalized Energy Industry IS socialized energy

    *social entitlements ARE SOCIALISM\

    *From each according to ability; to each according to need,   IS MARXISM.

    *Taxation without consent or representatio IS tyranny and theft.

    *Truth is still true, whether anyone believes it or not.

    *A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.


    Socialism has failed everywhere on earth where it has ever been tried.  You had better know and understand what

    socialism is before you put a Socialist Obama in the White House.  Socialism is Anti-American, so you can be sure that when he says "change",  he means it, and its not change for the better, but change for the worst - in fact,it is change to the ABSOLUTE DETRIMENT OF THIS NATION.

    So, if you hate America and wish to see her demise, then by all means, Obama is your Candidate.


    then they deserve what they will get in the end - and when the well runs dry, they will vote for the freedom to dig their own well again -   WELL, THAT IS, IF THEY STILL HAVE A VOTE AT ALL.

    Thomas Jefferson wrote:  "I predict future happiness for Americans IF THEY CAN PREVENT THE GOVERNMENT from wasting the labos of the people under the pretense of TAKING CARE OF THEM" . That my friend, is SOCIALISM.

    For more than 70 years now, American voters  have failed to heed these words.  Every Obama supporter MUST CONTINUE TO IGNORE THEM IN ORDER TO SUPPORT OBAMA.  How sad that history must repeat itself...


    go to:  chicagoans against obama website

    to find out how peachy life is for folks who have already lived under an Obama rule of law.  Its not a pretty site..

    Obama was just a small-time crook in Chicago, but now he hopes to graduate to grand larceny on the Federal level.

    Of course, if voters picked the pockets of their neighbors, it would be a crime and they would go to prison; but when they elect politicians to do it on their behalf, its not a crime, it's some insane form of "economic justice", which for some odd reason they feel entitled to.  

    On the basis of Obama's otherwise blank resume, petty theft is likely the only thing the South Chicago nobody might actually be qualified for.  

    Obama supporters want the things they can get from the pockets of others, and they hope that Obama is just the man to bring home the bacon.

  8. I would welcome a socialist president.  But there aren't any socialists running, so there's no chance of that.

    If you think Obama is a socialist, you need to go back to school.

  9. they are proud that they are for economic redistribution. SCARY!

  10. No.  I cant tell you why but it doesn't

  11. Like FDR?


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