
Does the tooth fairy come to your house?

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If so, what does she bring your child in exchange for their tooth?

I'm just curious b/c my friends kids get a LOT more than I used to.

For example: expensive video games, dolls, $20 bills

I used to be thrilled to receive a quarter!

Has the price of a tooth gone up?




  1. Yes, the tooth fairy still comes here.  What she gives our kids is a half dollar (or some other special coin.. my father in law started my kids collecting coins when they were very young) and a special toothbrush or toothpaste or floss.

  2. Geez! I think i used to get £1

  3. When I was little I got $20 per tooth. I still get money even though I don't belive anymore. I only get $10 because I stopped beliving. I hope this helped.


  4. Yes she still comes to our house.  Each tooth is worth a golden dollar.  and nothing more.

  5. I thought that $1 was a good deal for our kids but my husband and I should have discussed it before it came time because it turns out we had completely different ideas about it. He leaves the kids $6 per tooth and $10 for their first one. I think it is ridiculous but once you do it you can't very well turn back.

  6. My son is almost 6 and getting ready to loose some of those pearly whites and my plans are to go to the bank here pretty soon and get a bunch of those silver dollars.  He gets $1.00 per tooth.  Something special then the regular quarters.  I can't believe giving them any more than that.  Good luck

  7. I don't know what's that all about as far as the other parents and video games. But my daughter will receive a dollar and nothing more. I use to get a quarter and be happy. Times are changing for sure. Good luck!

  8. aha whoa i was happy with a dollar

    kids now and days have it much better then teens and such now

  9. Of course the tooth fairy comes to my house, and I am 52 years old, I can't wait till I can get dentures, that should be at least worth a

    all jokes aside, yes, please let the tooth fairy be a part of your child memory..and yes the price of tooth have went up, doesn't your dentist charge more than he did when you was a child. A gift card is always nice, and the child can make the choice of what to purchase with it.

  10. Yes, and she brings a note and a dollar bill.  $5 for the first tooth and a dollar for each one after that.  I received quarters as a kid and my parents got dimes.  I'd say the price has definitely gone up.  I also think that some parents spoil their kids rotten these days.

  11. When she remembers to! Maybe a couple of dollars - a five if that's all she has on hand.

  12. The tooth fairy visits and leaves a note with one dollar. One time, my daughter had to get a tooth pulled at the dentist and the tooth fairly gave her five dollars and wrote about how brave she was at the dentist.

  13. A friend of mine gave her daughter a $10 bill once for her tooth. But that was because they totally forgot about it and her husband literally woke up in the middle of the night and remembered that they didn't leave anything for her. So, the $10 bill was all they had at the time. They had to explain that she wouldn't be getting that much for each tooth and that the tooth fairy must have been impressed with this particular tooth. Believe it or not, their daughter just told them to put the money in her bank account!

    I think they were wanting to give her $1 instead. So, yeah, I think the price has gone up since we were kids!

  14. Tooth fairy came to my house once with a dollar and that was about it. All the other times it probably missed our house or maybe the rule states that if the dentist pulls it out, its not valid for money...

  15. inflation.

    i am boring, i don't do the tooth fairy thing.

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