
Does the tropical troposphere data disprove the anthropogenic global warming theory?

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Some anthropogenic global warming (AGW) skeptics seem to think that the tropical troposphere temperature data disproves the theory.

According to Tamino at Open Mind:

"Computer models of global climate predicted that the troposphere should warm faster than the surface; for the globe as a whole the tropospheric warming should be about 20% larger than surface warming...and in the tropics the tropospheric warming should be about 50% larger...It’s important to emphasize that this is not a prediction which depends on global warming being due to man-made greenhouse gases. Enhanced tropospheric warming is common to all causes of global warming, be it due to greenhouse gases, solar variability, or whatever. Hence enhanced tropospheric warming cannot be used to determine the cause of global warming."

Plus various analyses of tropospheric temperature data vary from 0.05 to 0.2°C warming per decade, so there is high uncertainty in this data.




  1. WE don't need a sciencpest, to tell us about humidity.

  2. If all tropical troposphere datasets clearly showed a warming rate 1.6 times faster than the surface, there would be no debate, and climatologists would label it a smoking gun. But there are no smoking guns in climatology because all sources of data are so screwed up, it is mind boggling.

    As I have said before there is no long term  cooling in the stratosphere, so to apply any corrections to the data based on that fact would be invalid. The corrections would only be step functions associated with volcanics, sorry, the truth hurts.


    All of the links you provided do not show any time vs. temperature plots of any atmospheric levels above the stratosphere, how do expect anyone to believe that the upper atmosphere has been cooling when there is no data.



  3. The NOAA, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Came out with a report ( That confirms what many of us so called deniers believed ), That the ice is back! I thought it seemed it was getting colder for a long time. Now the NOAA concludes that ice levels are back and there is 1/3 more ice in Antarctica than usual. Now who is the denier?

  4. "disprove" ??

    You are assuming it has been proven.

    BTW, computer models only work in the simplest ideal situations with very few and extremely quatifiable parameters.  

    The climate models have very MANY parameters most of which are hardly quantifiable at all.

  5. It is likely there is no need to reconcile model predictions with observations.  As I have said before, when properly corrected and all sources of error are accounted for, the tropical troposphere temperatures are rising faster than the surface temperatures.

    and here:

  6. The tropospheric warming doesn't say a thing about global warming on the surface, as it says very clearly in your passage.

  7. No

    The Troposphere is heating up due to an increase in water vapor, CO2 VOC's and other greenhouse gasses.

    It is decreasing the average temperature in all the other parts of the atmosphere (stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermpsphere (ionosphere and exosphere) due to an INCREASED amount of any kind of greenhouse gasses in the air.

    So the troposphere is getting warmer to to increased greenhouse gas emissions from water vapor, CO2, VOC's and other greenhouse gasses.

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