
Does the universe end?BUT if it doesnt how is it alwways expanding?

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and whats in the area where it hasent epanded to and beyond that




  1. The universe does not end, it goes on forever and ever. If you could go fast enough, you'd eventually get to nothingness, past all of the galaxies and everything because they are still moving away (of course, you'd have to be going REALLY fast). I wouldn't say it is in a spherical shape because if you're on the 'inside' of the 'spherical' shape, then that would lead to the question "What is on the other side of this?" , but if you're on the 'outside' of the 'spherical' shape, then that would lead to the question "What if you go in the direction away from the ''surface''?, kinda like how we got off the earth in a space ship, but the earth being the universe."  The human mind just cannot comprehend the idea of 'infinite', therefore we will never (at least not in several lifetimes) be able to understand the idea of no limit to the universe, it going on forever.

    I hope you understood what I was saying and this helped a little.

    And my answer to your 2nd question about how is it always's my answer...

    Before the Big Bang, EVERYTHING (the entire universe) was UNIMAGINABLY small, smaller than an atom, but had the entire universe worth of gravity, energy, etc..whatever the universe this little thing had immense energy.  Then when the big bang, it exploded and shot everything out in every direction, which formed our galaxies and everything. Ever since then, everything has just been moving apart from eachother into the direction it was shot out in the Big Bang.  I wouldn't say that one day everything will come back together because that would go back to the 'spherical' theory.

    Thank you for reading this (if you did). :)

  2. If you kept traveling forever, you would NOT get past all galaxies and into void. You cannot fall off the universe. The universe is uniformly filled with galaxies absolutely everywhere, and there are no voids into which the galaxies are streaming.

    The galaxies are all pretty much stationary. But space itself stretches between them. Galaxies fill all of space everywhere, but the distances between them all are increasing because new real estate is constantly being created.

    General Relativity forbids edges. You cannot fall off the universe. Either the universe is finite (in which case, you could travel in a straight line and get back to where you started from if you had enough time, which you don't), or infinite in size. All the while, filled with galaxies absolutely everywhere. There are no areas "it hasn't expanded to yet." There is no beyond the universe. The universe is all the space there is, and more space is being created all the time.

  3. thats what i was wondering, but in reality, outer space is made of nothing, when it expands, the outside space is just void until space has expanded unto it.

  4. The universe is infinite. Is is not expanding or shrinking. What we see moving is simply the few object within our limited view of it moving. As for what is beyond what we can see... Who knows.

  5. the universe does end, and after the universe time dosent even exist. If someone crazy decides to fly to the end, they would start to turn once they got closer and eventually go in a circle

  6. The answer is (probably) no, the universe does not end. There are several possibilities for it's shape:

    1. The universe could be like a sphere or balloon, except instead of a 2D surface wrapped around a 3D shape it would be 3 and 4D respectively. As such it would expand like a balloon being filled with air, stretching but maintaining its shape. In such a universe you could fly through space in a straight line and eventually get back to where you started, thus you would never get to an end.

    2. The universe could be flat like a piece of paper, or a flat piece of rubber being pulled outward.

    3. The universe could be "saddle" shaped, the kind of shape where parallel lines always diverge.

    For some reason options 2 and 3 are also declared to have no boundaries, although I don't understand why. At any rate, even if there were something outside the universe (a semantic contradiction really) there would be no way to get to or observe it. The combined gravity of everything in the universe makes it a black hole, such that no light (or spaceship, or anything) could ever get out and poke around.

    If you want to understand this better, you're going to have to get into some really deep physics and math, but I hope this helped.

  7. Does it end? No there are no edges. This might mean it is infinite, might mean it is spherical geometry. There's no way of knowing.

    It can be infinite and always expanding, same for a sphere, this can always expand. There is no contradiction.

    It doesn't expand "into" anything- space itself is being created between galaxies.

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