
Does the weather affect your mood or are you in the same mood most of the time?

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Does the weather affect your mood or are you in the same mood most of the time?




  1. most definetly, I'm not a winter person, like a bear in winter don't go out unless I have to

  2. Of course.  you feel different in different weather.

  3. Definately.

    Warmer weather makes for a much happier Sami.

  4. dull grey days with no wind and just fine rain ,i call nothing weather. Can last a week or more, really gets me down.Love to go out when rain is lashing down and the wind is howling.Feel alive then, battling the elements. Worst are heatwaves ,can`t do anything to cool down and get grumpy.Bright winter sunshine melting a thick white frost probably lifts my spirit the most.

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