
Does the whole U.S. have a crazy population of Stink Bugs this year or is it just certain regions?

by Guest34438  |  earlier

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I'm in Delaware and we're full of them.




  1. I've never seen one.  I'm in Jersey

  2. Just this year? We had them last year too, in PA.

  3. we have them in droves in Indiana

  4. just in certain places

    ive rarely seen one in florida

  5. they're not here in md. and were right beside you. at least i haven't seen any yet.

  6. In an election year, they're everywhere!

  7. I think there are bunch of stink bugs in the US, however; it is still much better the god damned city of Hong Kong-city of rats and bugs.

    The following website shows the names in multi-linguistic forms and its general locations.

    I think stink bugs all over the US and other parts of this world. You should learn how to prevent them to invade your garden yard.

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