
Does the whole "midnight bloody mary" thing work???

by  |  earlier

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for all you Criss Angel, supernatural fans, uh is it true?




  1. i never try that.

  2. nah, not really. its a good way to freak your friends out tho. ive tried it a couple times at slumber parties and stuff. its nothin to be afraid of....

  3. lololollolololololololololollololoololoo...


  4. well i never listened to a emo before and criss angel is on the top of my emo's to not listen to list. the bloody mary thing never worked for me before and i dont think it will matter what time you do it at.  i dont think it will work.  

  5. i don't n i have all ways bin to scared to try but when i do i will tell you

  6. I was always too scared and still am to try.

  7. i am on the same page as another person who answered. I've always been to scared to try it by myself. I have tried it with my cousin before but nothing happened.  

  8. i'll try tonight and let you know.  

  9. No. The name bloody mary was given to Queen Mary the 1st who restored England back to Catholism by killing many protestants...hence the name Bloody Mary. Parents would scare their children into going to church and staying catholic by saying that Bloody Mary would come out of a mirror and kill them for not believing in the Catholic Church.

  10. of course not

  11. No, but you can call her spirit out through other things.  

  12. there is no way it possibly could.

  13. Depends on how strong your belief - or disdain - is.  For some it works, for others it doesnt.  Since the terror is greater for those that have great disdain for tales like this, those are the ones that usually find themselves facing their worst nightmares magnified by a million.

  14. depends on how much vodka you use and how many you have first

  15. It works (scared me shtless)

    But most people firget that you have to have a pure white candle and a statue of mary.

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