
Does the wii fit really make you fit?

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i just got it the other day




  1. Yes it does

  2. Depends, I suppose if you used it enough then it could improve your fitness slightly but mainly the aerobic games, the others are just there. It's good fun though and makes a change from sitting on your butt, I particularly like the balance games. The yoga and muscle workouts suck slightly!

  3. If it gets you up off the couch, if it makes you move your arms and legs and increase your heartbeat, then it will have a good effect.  It's probably not as good as a genuine, scientifically designed gym workout, but it's probably -enough-. 20 min. of moderate exercise a day is what they recommend, and that doesn't seem hard to achieve.  And anyway it's certainly better than sitting on the couch and just moving your thumbs.  And I'm guessing some games will be more physical than others.

    I am not a video game person myself, but I've seen the ads for the Wii and I want one too!

  4. Probably not.

  5. caloric intake vs. calories burned  

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