
Does the word 'Revelation' as a name sound like more of a girl's name or boy's name?

by  |  earlier

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I was just curious because that's what I want to name my kid if I have one.




  1. that's not a name. but thx for the 2 pts.

  2. it sounds like space...

  3. I do not like it at all.  It is not a name and shouldn't be.  Not only is it a book of the bible revealing the end times, but it is a SEXUAL LUBRICANT!!!

  4. girl's name for sure. genesis is also a cool name !

    twin girl's named revelation & genesis ! that'd be great... NOT. c'mon!

  5. Girl



  7. BOY DEF!

  8. It's neither a boy nor girls name... it's not a name.

    Pick something that they can be proud of... and isn't so odd that people are constantly asking them to repeat it or spell it. And can you imagine having to introduce yourself to a boss... or future mother-in-law as "Revelation"?!

    Please don't do this to a future child. please.

  9. i think it is not a good name but it sounds like a boy..

  10. In context masculine but it sounds feminine.

    However, please reconsider naming any child that. Would you really want to walk around with what 99.9% of kids in any school or any people anywhere will look upon as some freak. You have a one in a trillion chance at best for having a child that can actually carry that name without causing him/her all kinds of emotional and mental trauma, so why punish something that should be a very precious gift to you. There are plenty of meaningful and beautiful actual names that your child, not just you, will like and that's what you should be concerned with most as a good parent. Children have enough trouble without being forced to carry some randomly nonsensical word as a name, least of all one that despite its actual meaning has such strong religious connotations.

  11. that's a book of the bible not a filppin baby's name!

    poor kid.

  12. there are so many NICE biblical names why curse your child with REVELATION!!!!!  A judge in NZ made a child a ward of the court and changed her name and charged her parents with child abuse because they named her so horribly that they knew her name would make her emotionally traumatized from the merciless teasing she would get.  Please...if you want to be unique, be unique..don't be mean.

  13. It's not good to use words as names.Your kid would be made fun of with that name. As far as your question goes, my answer is neither.

  14. i think it sounds like a girls name, I really don't see it as a boys name, sorry. it is very nive though :0) Id never considered it as a name before, and I like it.

  15. i hope you dont cuz thats not a good name 4 any1

  16. seriously think about that one before doing it, it is weird and the child will have a tough time once they go to school.

  17. I wouldn't give him/her that name.  Why?  Because a name is very important to a child.  It shows strength, etc.  Plus u don't want him/her to be made fun of.

  18. Boys name.

    Revelation = revolution = wars = guys


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