
Does the word 'ami' mean 'my nation' in Hebrew or have I spelled it wrong?

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Does the word 'ami' mean 'my nation' in Hebrew or have I spelled it wrong?




  1. It's right

  2. As far as I know in French it means friend,especially a male friend or lover. As far as I Know in Hebrew it means my people(I guess you could interpret that as my nation,but that makes little sense if you think about it),in Aramaic it means mother.

    Added. Ruth's words were "your people are my people,your God is my God".

  3. Yes, your transliteration of the Hebrew "my nation" is completely accurate.

    For example, in Megilat Ruth, Ruth aligns herself with the Jewish people and their G-d, saying to Naomi:  "Amech ami, Ve-Elokayich Elokai," "Your nation is my nation, and your G-d, my G-d."

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