
Does the world, as a whole, require a certain amount of poverty?

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Does the world, as a whole, require a certain amount of poverty?




  1. It’s very well to make the economic argument that we need less wealthy people and more wealthy people in terms of the global economy.  However, from a moral and ethical perspective, surely you couldn’t argue that we need poverty?

    Poverty is preventable and unnecessary.  We inherited this problem and we also inherited the responsibility to fix it.

    We have all the money and resources we need in the world right now to solve poverty tomorrow.  But we just lack the will.

    World Vision and other NGOs are working hard to tackle to root causes of poverty and in turn, eradicate it. But we need people who are willing to help us.  We can only do this together.

    A great way to do this is through child sponsorship. For $43 a month, you can help provide a child and their community with food, clean water, access to health care and education.

    And through child sponsorship you have the opportunity to see how your money is helping your sponsor child.  You will receive an annual progress report on your sponsored child plus an updated photo, direct from the child’s community.

    For more information on child sponsorship, visit  

  2. Do you deserve to starve to death?

    That's what they want to have happen so people will work for starvation wages.

    Look this has been going on for decades and it's a sad joke.

    If people were allowed to do what they know they need to do we'd all be in better shape than people that are denied birth control and know they can't support a bigger family.

    Go ask your church leader what he feels about starvation and birth control and start to think about why the problem is as bad as it is.

  3. I would think so since there is om;y so much money to go around.

  4. As a relative condition, yes. The world economic system functions most effectively when people who can deliver high value are rewarded substantially more than those who deliver low value. If by poverty you mean extremely low subsistence living, then, no.  

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