
Does the world hate France, or does France hate the world?

by Guest421  |  earlier

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I think it's obvious that people in America, UK, China, etc. do not look favorably upon the French, but it seems that France has never really liked other countries to begin with.

France doesn't treat Muslims, Middle Easterners, Africans, or black people very well, and they talk down about many other nations...

Is this a "which came first: chicken or egg" thing, or did one hate the other first?




  1. I was born and raised in Emerica. sp. error was intentional. This is an ignorant question. Experience other cultures, travel the world, and get to know your fellow human beings. Hatred is the number one cash crop of Emerica. Lets start the list with the native inhabitants of the continent that white people named "America":                Indians --because Columbus thought he was in India, ("savages" is just a term to convince the colonists to exterminate the native population and steal their land.) Exterminating the Native Population in the name of Manifest Destiny with small pox laden blankets and advanced weaponry in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Trying to convert Native "Americans" to Christianity when they have lived in harmony with the earth in a symbiotic relationship for thousands of years. In only the past 200 years we have jeopardized the entire earth with the "American" over-consuming, disposable way of life. The natives of this continent lived off of the land. When they sacrificed a buffalo, every part of the animal served a purpose. NO WASTE. Modern Americans throw away half of their meals, throw away plastics and batteries, bottles and cans, papers, tires and electronics. A complete disconnect with the natural world. Lets move on to the slave trade. So now that we are systematically murdering (genocide) the native population, lets round up human beings from Africa and make them work for us on our plantations. Steal human beings from their homeland and force them to work under inhumane conditions on a continent unfamiliar to them. Pregnant African women shackled next to dead corpses on the slave ships on their way to the Emericas. Emerica, sold human beings as "commodities." Once slavery was abolished, hatred escalated. Emerica, bring people to this land against their will, enslave them, and when they are freed by your own poeple, breed racism and hatred and lynching and hangings, and the KKK. Do you think for one second that you would like to be torn away from your family, shackled to a ship, which might kill you in and of itsself, enslaved to pick cotton and live under inhumane conditions, then freed on land that is not your home, and hated and oppressed for being from a different continent. Lets talk about the hatred and discontent for "illegal" immigrants. Emericans can bring people from another country into their land to enslave them and do menial backbreaking labor, but now in the present day Emericans look down upon immigrants from South Emerican countries??? Poeple who come to this country looking for opportunity and to escape their native countries that Emerica has taken a fat dump on. They wash dishes and do all of the jobs that most Emericans complain about, for S****y pay and no benefits. But they are "illegals", they are "niggers", they are "jews", and they are also "terrorists". Hate is a condition that is infectious, ignorant people pass this hatred on from generation to generation. I am a white American. My ancestors are Polish, Russian, and Italian. I did not choose this. I was born into this world as a human being, just as everyone else. I am awake, if we are to survive on this earth and share it with all of the life that exists, we need to get abolish the human construct of hatred. Your question is disgustingly ignorant, and shows that you are one of the many people that are the disease that will eventually end all life on this earth. Learn from history, educate yourself, and maybe you will be able to ask more meaningful questions. For instance, how can I contibute to the world, and how can I make it a better place to live for everyone, regardless of "race" or "ethnicity", etc. WE ARE ALL HUMAN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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