
Does the world here much about what goes on in australia?

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we (australia) are so far away from everyone...

and was just wanting to know weather or not you hear much about what goes on here?

like on ya tv newspaper

we here everything about the rest of the world.





  1. Unfortunately folks in the U.S. hear almost nothing about Australia, and most have any real knowledge about your wonderful country. I remember our Australian allies in Vietnam (not a popular war there, either, I guess). But they were valiant allies and good friends. As a surfer, I've always had a personal interest in Australia, so i tend to know more about 'down under' than most of my countrymen. I also have a nephew who did a year of college in Australia, and almost married an Australian girl, so i get lots of good info from him, but afraid, that's a pretty rare thing for us yanks.

    I am amazed at how slanted and one sided US news reports are about what goes on in the outside world. I am a very loyal American, but most Americans are so ignorant about the rest of the world it's pathetic.

    Just look at Yahoo Answers. If somebody asks a question using metric measurements instead of feet/inches/pounds, half the American nitwits still give answers that are totally inappropriate (Go to Costco...) It's like they don't realize there are other countries in the world.  And as far you you guys go down there, forget. If it wasn't for the late Steve Irwin (the Crocodile Hunter), most Americans wouldn't know anything about you.

  2. The US has its head up its ***, and we rarely hear about other countries, unless its some huge natural disaster or terrorist attack.

    I would like hear more about the ol' Aussies.

  3. I live in america and i dont hear like anything about other countries deppressingly. Expeshioly australia cause ive alwasy wanted to travel and see/ know more about there. but no, i wish :(

  4. I'm sorry -- we don't hear anything about Australia up in Canada.  Where I live, we do have lots of Aussies, but even they seem to not speak about home issues too often.

    The only ews we seem to get about Oz is via US Entertainment news channels and therefore it is only about Nicole Kidman, Kylie Minogue and Russell Crowe.

    I'm sorry -- I feel bad now that I know nothing about Australia.

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