
Does the world need royalty?Do you think the government are more in charge that the queen ?

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Does the world need royalty?Do you think the government are more in charge that the queen ?




  1. yeah i thinnk we don't need a queen she doesn't do anything.

  2. Royalty are just figure heads. Government does all the work.

  3. yeah the goverment makes all the decsions and the queen makes apperances at special dinners and stuff and meeting people

  4. Off with their heads!

  5. the queen has no power.  she is a head of state with no power.  the monarchy are truly a waste of space

  6. No, countries do not need their monarchies, but some nations such as Japan and the United Kingdom have very long histories and deep traditions. The monarchies in these countries are a manifestation of their traditions and thus a majority of the public in these nations see a value in maintaining their royals.

    While it is true that many existing monarchs are constitutional, with limited or no governmental powers, some absolute monarchies still do exist. While Elizabeth II does not have an active role in the governing of the United Kingdom she actually does have the right to veto any law, however, the right has not been exercised since the reign of Queen Anne. (1702-1714)

  7. No and yes.

  8. It's about time they went

  9. Leave the Royals alone, put her the tower

  10. the monarchy has run its course.  time to pension them off and get an elected head of state

  11. If you're meaning England, of course the government is more in charge than the queen.  The powers of government and monarch are very clearly spelled out.  

    Do we need royalty?  At least in England, no.  But that's not the same as needing to get rid of royalty.  You don't _need_ Stonehenge.  It doesn't do anything.  It just sits there.  Is that a good reason to get rid of it?

  12. Hey Simp, where have you been?   The UK is a constitutional monarchy. Worry about your grammar and less about things you'll never understand.

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