
Does the worry ever stop?

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Im a first time mum. Ive been pondering children lately and how we worry so much all the time. When u are pregnant, u worry about making it to 12 weeks. Then u worry if the baby is going to be ok when it gets here. Once its here for the first 12 months u worry about SIDS and numerous other nasty things that could happen. Now my daughters just over a year and developed a rash and other horrible things. I realise it could be one of many things but, of course, the dreaded meningitis keeps going through my mind. We are off to docs this pm but I was wondering - do we EVER stop worrying about them?




  1. I'm afraid not.  Mine's 16 and that brings a whole new set of worries - and once they leave home there's another load of things to worry about.

    My mum always told me this....more fool me, I didn't believe her

  2. No the worry doesnt stop.  However, most of us dont let those kinds worries get us down, because there is so much more to our short lives!  There are so many happ and positives to having children.  First words, first steps, making you laugh, loving you unconditionally, first day at school, watching them grow and develop.  Birthdays and christmas, watching their faces when they open presents, the list goes on and on.

    My Mum still worries about me and I'm 29, but that worry doesnt affect her life.

  3. Only when you tell yourself that the worry won't help anything and will only upset you. SIDS was the first big thing I ever had to quit worrying about. My aunt had a SIDS baby death before I was born and I was very scared for my first 2 kids. I was a nervous wreck and decided by #3 that my worry was only hurting me and wasn't helping the situation. I want my kids safe and happy, but worry only makes me a wreck. So I try to remind myself that they are ok.

  4. Sorry, the worry is all part of parenthood, I'm afraid. My mum worries about me still and I'm in my 30's! It is just a case of not letting it take over too much. I think it just shows you love and care for your child. I'd be more worried if no worry was felt!

  5. My mom still worries about me and I'm 24, so I would imagine you never stop worrying.

  6. No not really. Sometimes it's easier than others, but thats what comes with parenthood. It's like having your heart walk outside your body.

  7. never my kids are always on my mind ...we will prob worry about them till the day we die

  8. My children are 32, 30 and 28.  You never stop worrying about them, no matter their age.  There is a fine line you don't want to cross...worry should not be allowed to progress to obsession.  See to their physical and emotional needs. Teach them the difference between right and wrong, teach them according to your spiritual beliefs, allow them to grow and watch them excel.  It's a little like planting a garden you know...prepare the soil, plant the seeds, water and sunshine as needed...then step back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  9. no, of course we don't. My mum still worries about me and I'm 25. All we can do is learn to live with it, which I bet it's hard anyway.

    I think and hope your daughter will be ok. I'm one of those super-paranoid parents so I know how you're feeling. Sometimes I feel scared just when I have to take my daughter to the normal check-up because I'm afraid the doctor will  tell me that there's something wrong. Keep us updated.

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