
Does the xbox 360 have better graphics than the ps3?

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Does the xbox 360 have better graphics than the ps3?




  1. buc wild, you stupid fan boy...

    ok about the question, it actually varies from game to game and the developers, if you get games from 3rd party developers, you'll usually get a lower quality game, for instance lets say EA... all they want to do is distribute games as quickly as possible, so they will throw out a game without polishing its graphics, just to squeeze as much money as they can from gamers, but if you get games from 1st party developers like SCE Microsoft or Nintendo, you'll get the cleanest nicest running games out there, the best 3rd party game right now is COD4, the best 1st party game right now is MGS4 for PS3... Gears of War 2 might take away best graphic game this year though... but next year it will be killzone 2

  2. Pretty sure it was proven that the ps3 has the same graphics and that the ps3's graphics are lighted more.

  3. Take it from me I have both consoles and I am already bored with my ps3 the xbox 360 I barely play but I actually started playing it today and wow the graphics are good Ps3 graphics are slightly better. But the xbox has way more fun games Tons of demos that are available very good ones the ps3 has a low amount a demos. And the demos on the 360 are jaw dropping they are really good. I would say xbox and ps3 are tied together.  

  4. on most reviews of comaprsion they have used mult-platfomr games the 360 wons, but that is becuase the gmae is developed for the 360, so only uses 3 0f the 8 PS3 cores(360 only has 3), so the Ps3 will be a slightly lacking.

    however on a comparison of exclusive titles the Ps3 wins hands down, the 5 extra cores add extra umph ot the graphics card.

    look at stuff liek Heavy rain, its deep in Uncanny Valley on the realism.

    alos Uncharted dev said they are only using 30% of hter Ps3 power n the graphcis on that are pretty stunnign, so imagine that 3 tiems better.

    also the 50GB of space on blu-ray means more deatield models cna be stroed, MGS4 used nearly all that space and its noticable.

    When FFXIII coemso ut it will be intresting to see the graphics as it will be cross paltform but made for Ps3 then ported to the 360, they have already said they will need to look at model compression techniques and laughed when asked how many diswcs it will take up.

  5. Many comparisions have been done (just google in 360 vs ps3 graphics), and they are about equal. It mainly depends on the game, because different games have better graphics on one consle

  6. Some games are and some games aren't.

    The fact of the matter is that xbox 360 has been around longer than the ps3 meaning the graphics are better on some games. did a graphics comparison.. heres the link

    the verdict was xbox 360 was better due to the games being in production with more to work with but the ps3 will reign supreme 2008/2009 onwards as the game designers and developers will have more to work with due to it being a super awesome console ;)

    hope this helps :)


    p.s. i have a PS3 there amazing and will just keep getting better in the coming years.. KEEP THE FAITH!

    and as others have said..

    hook it up to a HDTV like a Bravia 1080p with a HDMI cable and the PS3 owns :)

  7. PS3 is better.

    Plus there's a HD Blue ray player for a better picture.

  8. no it runs at 720p ps3 runs at 1080p

  9. As of now, they are the same.

    that's using 30% of the PS3s graphical power, and all of the 360's graphical power.

    PS3 has the potential for absolutely mind blowingly awesome games, developers just haven't tapped into it yet.

  10. no

  11. The PS3 Has slightly better graphics than the Xbox 360. It's touted as the most powerful gaming console, which it is ,but not by that much.

  12. No PS3 is better

  13. No it does not

  14. If there not connected to a HDTV is hard to tell but when you connect it to a HDTV the ps3 looks way better.  

  15. the xbox 360 is superior to the PS3 in everyway

  16. ps3 is slightly better

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