
Does there seem to be alot of questions on here about CPS?

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Have you ever been involved with CPS? Myself.....I have never been involved with this service....nor can I think of anyone else close to me who has. Also, there are many, many answerers that are involved or know of someone who has been involved with this service. Does that seem as odd to you as it does to me?




  1. Where I live everyone know someone who has had dhr called on them one time or another.  I don't know why they  chose to come out as often as they do but we were investigated because someone had called and told them we didn't have running water or groceries for our children.  All I did was show where we had paid our water bills and paid over $100/week for groceries at the local grocery store on my bank statements.  We were told they have to follow up on every call that they get.  So it may not be a good thing if you dont know anyone who has ever delt with them because it may mean they are just not doing their job in your area.  

  2. Never been involved...

    Maybe a lot of people who look to the internet to solve problems don't know where else to turn.   But it also could be that those who have the experience are drawn to the forum of parenting because of their background.  

  3. I have NEVER been involved with cps either. Either have the people close to me!

  4. I've been very personally involved with CPS - I used to work for them. But outside of that, I've never had any reason for CPS to check on me nor have I known anyone who was (outside of work, I mean).

    But it makes sense to me that people might come on here and ask others' opinions and see what they might have done: Would they have called CPS, for example. Or is there something else they could do.

    Actually, I haven't seen that many questions about CPS, but there are questions about it every now and then.

  5. I think there is some class bias when it comes to CPS involvement.  Upper-middle class parents are far less likely to have any experience with them than economically struggling parents.  In part, this is a reasonable thing (if parents are really struggling, they may need help that an agency can direct them to in terms of getting affordable food, medical care, etc. for their kids).  In part, though, it's not -- help is great, but there's always the looming threat of someone's taking your kids away -- and many economically struggling parents are great parents and many well-off ones are not.

    I fear (but lack statistics to back it up) that there may also be some racial bias in cps involvement.  And of course there's also more involvement by CPS in populations where drug use is more frequent or where crime generally is higher.  

    Like you, I've never dealt with CPS and don't know anyone who has.  But it's true there are communities where it's much more common.

  6. I have only been involved with CPS once and it was because I reported a woman who lived in our apartment complex.  I saw her three year old son on the second story balcony hanging himself over the edge without supervision and then I saw he had a 4 inch paring knife with him!  He then threw the knife into my yard at my dog.  I called the authorities on post (we lived on a military post) and they came and found the mother on sleeping pills sleep in her room totally unaware.  And this wasn't the first time this kind of thing has happened apparently.  The MPs asked me to fill out a statement to give to CPS and they called me later to verify that what I saw was correct.  

    I think those on here who claim to be involved, most of them are most likely not.  But I can't say for sure.  I know that the boy I mention in the above paragraph is now with his father and his mother has to go to drug rehab.  She lost full custody of him.  That's what happens when you abuse drugs of any kind and have children.  One day it goes too far.  I hope the little boy is doing ok.

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