
Does this Girl like me??? PLZ HELP?

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Hi I have this friend at work and she has a boyfriend but recently she has been acting differently with me like touching my hair (as I have recently had it cut) and telling me I'm cute and the other day she even said she wants me but she was hyper and I am not sure whether or not she was serious.

Please help




  1. You say she was hyper ? on what and why... is she normally like this ?

    I think that she may have just been teasing you, not in a malicious way, but in a kinda over friendly way, and if you rush in too quickly, you may lose that friendship between you and finish up with an embarrassing situation, one you really want to avoid, especially as you work together.

    Bide your time, wait and see if she does 'split' with her b/f, then if you're still interested in her, ask her if she wants to go for a meal or drink, but don't be 'pushy' and explain to her that if the answer is 'no' you can accept that, and continue on with the friendship.

    Caramac x

  2. Women are weird that way. She could very well like you, all of the signs lead that way. Or, she could just be fooling around, like many other women that don't know what they want. My honest answer, don't do anything. Just wait a few weeks and see if she continues to do what she does, and if it starts to "increase". You'll eventually know whether or not she likes you. And when you know that time comes, ask her if she likes you? Don't jump right in and ask her anything. Wait it out for a while.

  3. okay i never say this but what the heck.

    if she would dump her current boy friend for you then why wont she dump you later for another boy. but hey just ask her out have a one night stand.

  4. ask her if she wants rod if she says no say you werre kidding, if she says yes go for it!

  5. If she does like you - are you even interested - shes obviously not a good girlfriend to be flirting with you when she has a boyfriend - just remember it could be you in his situation some day!!!

    But yes it does sound like she could be interested in you allright


  6. dude firstly you gotta decide if you wanna p**s in someone elses pool, cos if you start dating a girl whos gotta bf i dont think he'd take to kindly to it so watch for that. and secondly if she does dump him for you remeber she'd prob dump u for someone else, so jus bare that in mind.

    but sounds like shes interested? h**l just ask her if u like her? wot u got to lose?

    hope helps bud

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