
Does this Golda's famous saying mean that Palestines don;t care about their kids?

by Guest45518  |  earlier

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  1. No,it was said for political purpose,not in an effort to make peace. She said some wise things,but that isn't one of them.

    added. Wise Golda Meir quotes.

    "An Arab mother who loses a son in battle weeps as bitterly as any Israeli mother."

    "I am convinced that peace will come to Israel and its neighbors because the tens of millions of Arabs need peace just as much as we do."

    "You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist "

    "The only alternative to war is peace. The only road to peace is negotiation."

    "A leader who doesn’t hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader."

    "A man who does not hate war is not fully human."

    "There’s no difference between killing and making decisions by which you send others to kill. It’s exactly the same thing. And maybe it’s worse."

    another add. For the guy below that is a misquote,here is what she really said.

    "There is no Palestine people. There are Palestinian refugees ". (Meir wrote in “The New York Times” on January 14, 1976 that the often cited and controversial “There are no Palestinians” statement attributed to her is a misquotation, the “London Sunday Times” of June 15, 1969.)

  2. I understand it to say that we will have peace once our children are again guided by us, the shabab used to come for my brothers, my father could do nothing about that, had he done he would of been killed, so we did the best next thing, all of us left, now my father is head of the family again.

    Peace will come to be soon.

  3. We don't care what Golda or any one says

    Yes, our religion is true religion. You hear that only about the Palestinians because they are at the front of fighting for our religion. We don't care what others say. We have a very strong belief in the after-life. If I were to sacrifice my life for Islam I would not hesitate, nor would my parents even though they love me so much. If I had children I would willingly send them in God's way, I don't care if they die or anything as long as they are doing it for God.

    My girlfriend is a convert into Islam and by God's grace she too would care less about our children dying for the sake of God. So, yes we will be happy if our children go to heaven.

    God bless Palestine. It's ours.

  4. I think it is just saying that so much hate exsists that it SEEMS as though rather than resolve the differences some would rather hold on to the hate at any cost...and we all see the cost regularly on the news...Men, women and children on both sides dead. At the time she said it the PLO was actively causing terror throughout the region....Today we hear about suicide bombers, some children (young adults) people willing to die for a cause...Surely they do not do this without some sort of validation within their family or culture......

  5. Nobody doesn't care about his children.

    Golda is free to say what she likes. She is a well known liar

    it is  a free world and anybody can invent anything he wants to say ................

  6. No, of course not.

    It means their hatred of the Jews is stronger than their love for their children, not that they don't love their children.

  7. They care, I am sure... Just not enough to keep them happy and safe. They would much rather hate Jews than love their children.

  8. Anyone, any race, any religion, any Mother, any Father.......will go without just to see that their child does not go without. All mothers carry their babies for 9 months. And all Mothers and Fathers all over the world would do anything to see that their child has the best life. Love for a child after all, is international. Peace.

  9. it's relative. i'm sure they care about their kids, but they hate israel more, and they think that if their kids die for islam it's a good thing. i can't understand that, but it's true all over the muslim world.

  10. Hi Lene,

    What she meant by that is Muslims living in Judah and Samaria, will only live in peace if they could love their children enough NOT to be proud of their children when they become suicide bombers.  I have seen documentaries of young Muslim children talking about becoming a suicide bomber as if it was a piece of chocolate cake at a birthday party.  It was quite disturbing.  

    Golda knew that someday it will come to this.  She was simply predicting the future correctly.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  11. They care, but they hate israeli/jews/zionists more, because they are 200% sure that anyone who does not agree with their ideology is against them.

    The quote was coined because, Palestinian mothers (still true today) are willing to sacrifice their children for what they consider is a "good cause" killing jews/westrens.

    Justifying such acts with it's "Israeli fault", "Allah's will" ...

    never taking responsability for their poor parenting skills (by the rest of the world standard).

    Jewish mothers on the other hand, will be against sacrificing their children's life for political reasons.

    Hence, if Palestinians mother cared more about raising their children right (rest of the world standard), there will be much less gunman/militants, suicide bombers... & therefore more likely peace in the region.

  12. "There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist." - Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969.

    She was wrong  and if she was a life she would be asking for the Palestinian recognition.

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