
Does this Water4gas device really works to help gasoline consumers economize on gas consumption?

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Water4gas device for gas and diesel vehicles claims that by utilizing the Hydrogen part of water (splitting-up Hydrogen and Oxygen gases by electrolysis) and inject it to the car's combustion chamber a lot of benefits can be derived like economize gas consumption by as much as 25% - 35% and better engine performance.




  1. Here's an honest, non-biased answer:

    1. Try it for yourself. Run some electricity through water and baking soda, and hold a lighter to gas bubbles it produces.. OR full a balloon with the gas it produces , let the balloon next to a lit candle, and stand way back.

    2. Here's an nbc news video where they non-biasely tested an HHO setup for themselves.

    3. How do You get Hydrogen gas? By separating it from H2O. Simple science - so don't pay any attention to these chowderheads who say that they learned otherwise in highschool.

    People who shout it's a scam are too lazy to try it.

    People who make outrageous claims, are usually using wishful thinking or selling you something.

    People who actually use this, are saving lots of money.

    Now for a biased answer:

    We've been making and installing HHO generators for a while now. Some vehicles get good results in MPG, some don't. Factors for noticeable results rely on vehicle condition, year of production, and the efficiency of the O2 sensors installed on the vehicle.

    I've over tripled my gas mileage - so that's no placebo effect to me. 3 out of 4 of my family members I have installed this to have achieved over 60% increase in mileage. Anything below 20% could merely be placebo effect (wishful thinking).

    If you want free plans to build your own and try it, I have free plans on my myspace page:

    You can't really trust anyone's MPG claim unless it is documented by a non-biased party.. so do yourself a favor and build your own generator and try it for yourself. (I am currently at 78 MPG)

  2. Yes I believe it does work. Last time I checked with the water4gas people over 40,000 have bought the ebooks.

    There is a video at NBC News in Greenville SC where they test

    water4gas with some positive results. In the Yahoo Search Engine type "Looking Out 4 You: Water 4 Gas?". Click on the WYFF4 link (not msnbc) because thats where the video is.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Yes, it works my brother has it on his car and he now gets 30% more mpg.   I found it for him through this link and its really worth a try.


  4. Q. Does this Water4gas device really works to help gasoline consumers economize on gas consumption?

    A. HHO's benefit older carbureted vehicles and is the holy grail for the gas guzzling muscle cars or any other big sloppy legacy motor without O2 Sensors. Newer Fuel Injection systems DO NOT benefit. ecoMPH

  5. I posted this answer to another user, you might have missed it. They asked how hard was it to install. And it's extremely inexpensive compared to the price you'd end up spending in gas.

    Not hard at all. You can do it yourself within a hour or two. Honestly, YES it does work. I have done this to my 96 Saturn and currently get about 50 miles per gallon.

    I wrote a blog review about it here:

    It's very simple. You don't change your engine or computer. A quart-size (95O cc) container is placed somewhere under the hood. You fill it with DISTILLED WATER and a little bit of BAKING SODA. The device gets vacuum and electricity (12 Volts) from the engine, and produces HHO gas (Hydrogen+Oxygen). The HHO gas is supplied to the engine's intake manifold or carburetor as shown below.

    Hope this helps.


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