
Does this about sum it up?

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Don't worry, it isn't a long article for you to read or anything but I just thought I would ask your opinions on it. Do people really take fashion and looking good that seriously? And what exactly is considered "cheap perfume"......$5? lol, why does it matter if it smells good? Well, if most Italians goes by the rules set forth then they must spend a whole lot of money simply on their appearance.

p.s. I'm not criticizing Italians here...I love Italy and think the Italians are the friendliest people who will do anything to help you. So, once again I am not trying to be rude.




  1. They do take fashion way to seriously. I don't care what I look like!!!!

  2. mmmh...well...isn't properly like the article reports but more or less i find it true.

    in here people generally go the tendency to buy high cost clothing mostly to "appear" and flaunt it more than they like it. but one thing it's as well, that i don't buy any fashion clothing because i don't follow any fashion but my tastes i prefer to spend much for quality and durability, especially for boots and shoes.

    i find it really stupid people that don't have enough money to spend save its money to buy fashion and "big names" clothes but there's a small % of people that do it, and this for sure.

    this is the country of appearences...this is my opinion (and i'm italian)

  3. Actually, I think this article is exaggerating a bit...Italians do wear tennis shoes, but only when wearing jeans and a casual attire. Women do not always wear a skirt. We use pants or jeans a lot, although I must admit, they are usually designer jeans and classy pants. Not all women always wear make up, but a little lip gloss and eye shadow is not think beauty salon make up, though!!!!!

    Young people dress a lot like Americans: it is really trendy to do so, so baggy jeans and T-shirts with huge logos are in, if they are famous logos: t-shirts with your bakery's logo on it are out!

    Not all Italians save 6 months to buy an Armani piece of clothing, but our "cheap" clothes stores are very far from the American ones (and prices are higher anyway...) Many stores like Avant or Oviesse sell cheaper clothes, but they are still trendy, although not always such good quality.

    Tatoos and piercing are in fashion now and people show a lot more skin (not in church, it is true) just to expose them: shirts and blouses showing your belly are in if you are under 40 and with a good body (people with a big belly showing their pierced belly botton are laughed at).

    As for parfume...5 $ is cheap, and I can assure you the result on your skin is certainly not the same of that of an expensive parfume...

    We are all fashion victims in a way and it is true that most times we sacrifice comfort for fashion (I've personally seen ladies climbing mountains with gold leather sandals...but I thought they were stupid!!!!), but we respect the fact that other people can be less fashionable than us....unless you wear white socks with Birkenstock sandals!!!!!

  4. Actually, I think the article is bang on, and don't think it should be offensive at all.  

    You can always spot an American in Europe.  baggy T-shirt, baggy shorts, ball cap, knapsack, Tevas.  

    Italians live very differently, than Americans do.  You eat at home.  You take care of your family/parents.  You eat meals together, and talk.  You don't have big screen TV/home theatre.  You don't spend 6 hours a day watching TV.  You are surrounded by people who take care of themselves and those they love.  Yes, that means clothing too.

    Neither is better.  Just different.  You can't compare.

  5. in every country people use to dress how they most like, if you go around europe or around the world you will see that people dress so different, italian have that style but just because we do like to dress like that and noone impose it to you.But yes forengers think we are fashion and we do care so much about it, it could be true but when you are an italian in italy believe me you don't pay parfumes? I assume it's about the bad smell, and 5dollars are more than just cheap thouhgt a parfume cost around 60 or more dollars

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