
Does this amazon seller have anything you need or would want to <span title="have?">have?</span>

by  |  earlier

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If yes, you may buy from this seller because he has 100% customer feedback rating. He ships everyhting really fast.




  1. No, the owner doesn&#039;t pay attention to community rules of conduct.  The owner maligns other competing businesses in an attempt to make his store seem better in comparison.  The owner inflates his stats to mask his inexperience.  The owner attempts to do this while hiding behind a false-front identity in an attempt to hide his misbehavior.

    If the owner of this store can&#039;t be a decent person, obeying the rules others must abide by, while talking dirt to puff himself up.... he&#039;s really just another lame loser, a pretender - a poser - playing at being a legitimate business owner.  Dealing with such a person is a recipe for failure and disappointment, because he can&#039;t be trusted,

    Odds are that it&#039;s a younger guy pretending to be something he&#039;s not because he wants desperately to do something more important than his real job sprinkling salt on some run-down burger shack&#039;s french fries.  

    He&#039;s smart (not as smart as he thinks he is), but because he screwed off so much in school he has to try to fake his way trying to get over on people.  It&#039;s a shame, really, poor lousy s*****k.

  2. Hey! Check this site I have found

    It has the greatest Stuff I&#039;ve ever seen

    You think of anything &amp; you have it

    Apparels/ House ware / Hats &amp; Bags / Posters prints &amp; much More…….

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