
Does this annoy you?

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I see all these questions asking how much you got for back to school shopping, or how much you spent, and all the answers are like 250, 300, 600 or whatever.

If you're like me and have to spend your own money, does this annoy you? It pisses me off. I'm not even poor. My parents make really good money, but they think I have enough clothes and shouldn't be spoiled. And I'm not at all, and it annoys me to see so many out there who get money for nothing at all. I love clothes, don't get me wrong, but just think of what a difference could be made if they all got a job to pay for their own clothes, and parents donated that money to a charity to help in Darfur or for research in heart disease or something.

Sorry for the rant, but does anyone else feel the way I do?




  1. i feel exactly the same way well kinda. so many people on here brag about ooh i get this much money from my parents to go shopping. i have to spend most of my own money and my parents will buy me something every once in a while. were not poor either. lol so i completley understand where your coming from. but some people are just raised that way and they better hope that they get a pretty good job when they get older.

    sorry for the rant.

  2. im getting pissed off from all these questions called 'WAT SHOULD I WHERE FOR BACK2SHCOOL?"

    get your own opinion dammit.  

  3. quit cryin'

    that is so stupid.

  4. no

  5. I feel like I'm in the same situation as you. Well, almost !

    I totally agree with you, though !

    My parents won't get me anything if I don't keep my grades up, lol

  6. i sure dont.

    whats wrong with spending a couple hundred dollars on clothes?

  7. This extremely bugs me!i don't even get new clothes until like October and i get like 100.

    I'm sorry to hear that you have to pay for your clothes your self!

    it annoys me that people come on here just to brag about how much money they get!

    And most of these people are probably not even telling the truth!

  8. I do not know how old you are....but you are certainly very refreshing. Going back to school  is one thing the retailers thrive on. Advertising from all retailers play on the new school year, shamelessly, too.  It is a huge boost,obviously to their sales growth. It is a established cultural custom in the USA to refresh the wardrobe every Fall for the commencement of school. Children are bought new whether they need new clothes or not. I  can see new backpacks,shoe and sneakers, but whole new wardrobes are absurd...unless that child has grown a lot in either direction in 12 months. Donating money to children's charities and there are many children and their families in the USA who cannot afford even simple school supplies, would be an absolutely terrific way to help. YOU should start your own cause and charity....your heart is in the right place. Your parents have done a great job bringing you up, by the way.

  9. Problem with donating any money to any charity is that only 10 per cent goes to the actual charity itself. the rest goes for the operation of the charity. I think charity begins at home so why not donate 100 per cent to your kid.

  10. It doesn't annoy me because I know that other ppl get more money than me and I usually have to make my money but I don't really care thats how life there will always be someone who is spoiled or just gets more money because thats how they were raised!!

  11. I feel the same exact way. Like honestly, i WORK for my money, then i don't like to spend it unless i really need something.  My parents pay for the bare essentials and that is it.  It really does got annoying when over-indulgent parents give their children every little thing they want.  And i guarantee they aren't buying cheap stuff either.  I totally get where yoy are coming from and feel the same way!!

  12. yes! I'm 24 yrs old and swore I'd always remember how it felt to be a teen and how important the petty stuff was to us....but now that I'm working full time, paying for a house, cars, bills, etc...I see all those questions about how much money they're spending on clothes or what outfit to pick and I just can't help thinking how ridiculous and stupid it is...

  13. Eh, i kind of do and dont.

    I think its great that your parents are showing you responsibility, but i know how it goes for those kids whos parents DONT let them work. Trust me, i was one of those kids, and you are pretty limited.

    What i DO hate and agree with you is when those bratty little kids are like "OH EM GEE my dad DID NOT give me 400 dolars for back to school shopping". its like WTF. your parents gave you SOME money get over it and move on. Some kids just need to learn that money is hard to come by with a slowing economy.  

  14. no, it honestly doesnt bother me. sure, the money could be put to better use but its the only time most kids get to go shopping for clothes for the whole year. i get 400 dollars to spend school shopping and if i want anything else the rest of the year i have to pay myself. i think it works out good because i'm still getting the things i need for the school year, but im learning responsibility with money because i have to pay for everything else myself for the rest of the year. (i just bought a 500 dollar bed and a 400 dollar mattress all with my own money). i'm not rich either and my mom works hard so i can get the things i want for school so i'm always sure to buy her a few things throughout the year to show her my apprieciation.


  15. yeah.

    i totally agree.

    people these days are just so gready and only think about themselves and what they want..they never even stop to think that some little kid in africa might be starving.

    they just take all they have forgranted.

    thats how almost alll the people at my school are and it bugs the c**p out of me.

  16. Yea..People don't know how lucky they are.. People who brag about c**p like that are idiots..Dont let it bug you..They know how to ask mommy and daddy for money, you know how to work for money..

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