
Does this appear arrogant or s****.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a quiet young woman and sometimes a little shy. When I first started working, my coworkers said I was very timid. As they've gotten to know me, they see me as very diligent. I'm still very quiet, but am opening up a little more to a few people.

I had a meeting where I had to face a difficult client. During the meeting I was pretty confident, somehow lost my "shy voice" and stood my ground as he challenged me. My boss was also at the meeting. When my boss and I left, I went back to being really quiet. I was about to leave but he stopped me and told me I was very assertive in there. I was relieved.

If you were him, what would u think if you saw both sides of me. The really shy side as well as the "assertive" side when I'm with clients? Would u think I was arrogant or s****.?




  1. I would say no. If I were your boss, I'd be impressed that you were able to step up to the plate and take charge with the client. It shows professionalism and the ability to handle yourself under pressure. Kudos.

  2. I would say...Do Not Worry so much about how you think people see you. Just worry about doing your job to the best of your ability, and BE YOURSELF. I know this is easier said than done, but please don't become one of the many people who totally wrapped up in what kind of image they put out. Your doing good the way you are. :)

  3. I think your boss said it best "very assertive".

  4. You just showed your boss that when the time arises, you can open up when you need to. Good Job!

  5. no ma'am but i do think that you shouldn't be shy then in general. if you are able to be aggressive and assertive, then be that way all the time. you will get the results you want faster, and respect.

  6. l think you are showing a bit of class here.Your nature sounds like you are a softie.....But your job brings out the all the  confidence that you need when interviewing clients.

    You seem to have a good even balance that you yourself are probably unaware of.........

  7. No - i am shy but can still come up with the good s when I need to - I always thought that if I were airlifted and dropped into any situation anywhere I'd have a go at doing whatever i was asked - I think shyness is in a different ballpark to competence and arrogance and snobbery.

    just another facet.

  8. no.... i would think "thank goodness I'm not the only one"

  9. If I were your boss I would be starting to think about giving you a raise, as long as you could continue to turn on the heat when needed and as long as needed to get the job done, and then go back to your much appreciated quiet ways all on your own. If all that you say is true I see a promotion coming soon in your life.

  10. You sound neither arrogant or s****..  Being assertive is a good quality.

  11. I'd think you were an uppity b--itch and give you a good hard slap.  Then I'd head off the the boiler room to snort coke and bang hot blonde strippers with the other MEN while we smoked Cuban cigars and drank striaght scotch MOTHAFUKA!!!!!!!!!

    Nah---seriously, you're just becoming a woman.  The workplace is a beast.  You've got to step up your game and keep playing hard ball.  Good luck.

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