
Does this article on recycling have correct information or is it faulty? If so, Which Parts are Faulty?

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  1. I do my own composting - but why take risks.  People who roast meat could be risking making dioxins from the charred barbecue outers.


    "According to the EPA's own estimates, modern landfills can be expected to cause 5.7 cancer-related deaths over the next 300 years - just one death every 50 years. To put this in perspective, cancer kills over 560,000 people every year in the United States.

    Older landfills do possess a potential for harm to the ecosystem and to humans, especially when built on wetlands or swamps, because pollutants can leach from them. When located on dry land, however, even old-style landfills generally pose minimal danger, in part because remarkably little biodegradation takes place in them."

    The buddha had the good sense to teach mindulness.  Do not get too absorbed in basics.  Find the middle way.  what is your outcome?  Statistics are often quoted for games which people cannot guage or gamble on themselves anyway. Ecomarsho said something similar on his website.

  2. its all complete bullsh*t.

    i dont really know where to start, is is ALL wrong i'll just give one obvious example

    " The average household in the united States generates one-third less trash each year than does the average household in Mexico"


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