
Does this body gross you out or sound nice?

by  |  earlier

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i am pretty skinny, 5-8 122lbs 16yrs male

i can see my ribcage, and my hip bones, my collar bones stick out.

i can alomost wrap my hand entirely around my upper arms, i didnt really think my being skinny was a big deal considering i dont have any eating disorders and i can bench more than i weigh, however i get the feeling that girls dont like the look of a boney body.

got lots of friends that are girls, but no girlfriend. what do you think?




  1. it sounds kinda creepy, i think you should try to gain a little weight.

  2. If your bones stick out, it's gross.  

  3. Personally, you sound a little skinny.

    But I'm a girl and I like skinny guys so it all depends on what the girl likes. Just be more confident.



  4. try gaining muscle or a little weight. your fine

  5. Doesn't sound attractive. Some people do have naturally small bodies. But girls usually are attracted to guys who weigh a bit more than that. Your only 16 so your body can change quickly as you grow and you may start to put on more weight. Keep lifting weights and you should start adding some muscle mass.

  6. That's not gross 122pounds sounds good not unhealthy if you think you should gain more weight for your pleasure do it for yourself not for other people.Have a nice day.

  7. whats wrong with your bones sticking out, i think skinny girls are cute, but could be better with just a little more meat on them. eat some twinkies girl! naw jus playin but its good 2 eat some more food than you already eat.

  8. gain some weight.

    put on a little muscle.

    girls don't wanna go out with guys that are skinnier than them.

    and you weigh less than most girls your height.

  9. I do not like skinny guys at all.  I like guys who are bigger than me.  It makes me feel more feminine.  I would not date a guy who was skinnier than me

  10. it doesnt gross me out that much, but to b honest with u, when i was reading that, all i could think of was that ur manorexic...i kinda puked a lil in my mouth...u r waaay too skinny...u could gain some weight, good luck tho!

  11. Yeah, that's way too skinny. You need to put on a few pounds. (No offense.)  

  12. *gags*

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