
Does this bother anyone?

by Guest56199  |  earlier

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I'm an Independent voter who had briefly considered voting for McCain. Does it bother anyone else that a mother of 5 (one, still an infant with Downes Syndrome; one a teen who is pregnant) would leave them to go run for Vice President?




  1. What makes people think she's leaving anyone?

    She's not going anywhere to be VP. they will get a home in Virgina or somewhere close and she will have a new job.  

  2. say  what....

  3. No. it doesnt. I think people are being huge hypocrites about this situation. Mothers leave their kids and go back to work every day and it's encouraged. They tell her that she doesnt have a job if she stays home and raises her own kid but if she pays someone to do it and gets a job outside of the house, then her and the baby sitter are both employed. Every day we tell moms to 'go back to work'. She's doing it, and she's catching grief for it? I'm not going to NOT vote for McCain just because his running mate is doing the same thing that millions of moms across the United States do every day.

  4. well i think sarah palin is a joke in the first place.

    i can't stand her views.

    it does bother me she is leaving them though

  5. No. I applaud anyone that does something to better themselves or their family or for the better of the USA. Where do you come up with leaving her family? They'll be with her.

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