
Does this bother you?

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ok, i have no problem if you want to smoke. so dont think i am against it, as i used to smoke.

anyways, something that really bothers me, is when people light up anywhere, around my kids, have no respect for it.

at a park, where kids play, they sit there and smoke,

when they are pushing their kids in strollers. they smoke.

something that really pisses me off, which is now illegal in canada thank god, is people smoking in cars with their children! i think this is horrible, and its like they think it is fine.

anybody else have any imput on this?

or am i the only one??




  1. This is funny because I just had a conversation about this with my husband! Most people are very inconsiderate when it comes to smoking! I cannot believe some people think its ok to smoke around children! Hopefully most states will change the laws so it will be less and less in public! I can't wait!

  2. No I think it's horrible too.  It's fine for the people who smoke, because they are choosing to destroy their own bodies, but it's not okay to smoke in a public place, much less with children, where they are destroying other people's bodies.

  3. What bothers me is that people who are constantly minding the business of everybody else around them ..How many people have ever got hopped up on cigarettes and beat their children or abused them  or their wife. how many smokers have ever ran over and killed someone because they had too many smokes?How  many smokers ever robbed homes and hurt people while "jonesing" for a smoke? how many babies have been killed because of them . I have to tell you they say that smoking causing low birth weight. I don't believe it . all the babies that i  have been been in contact with that were born to people who smoke weighed 9 lbs. 10 lbs. 8. 7 . ... I am really tired or people trying to run the way that other people live. what they feed their kids and what they do at all. But then they do nothing about abuse that has been repeatedly reported. they let the child suffer until dead.

  4. I feel the same way i live in a house where someone smokes an im 6months pregnant an i just can't stand the smell at all it makes me so sick but idk what to do about it i dont mind ppl who smoke i just wish they would have respect for others

  5. i feel the same way. my brother usd to smoke so like all his friends would come and they would just blaze up in the house and mind you i have asthma. i have no problem with them smoking just not around me or kids. and to top it off i saw this lady she had a baby in the carseat and was smoking in the car. that god me so mad. i think thats just wrong.

  6. I hate it. There are rules where I am about smoking and kids and it is gradually improving. Soon it will be illegal to smole in cars with kids.

  7. This bothers me also and I am a smoker. If I am at a public place, I abstain. Or I will find the place the furthest from people and children where I can actually still watch my children if I am there for a long time. I do smoke in my car with my children but only if the window is all the way down, so never in the rain or winter time. In Bangor, Maine it is against the law to smoke in the car with children. I consider myself to be a very polite smoker. I do not smoke in my house nor will I smoke in anybody else's house even if they do. I never smoke where my children or anybody elses children could inhale it. My habit does control some parts of my life, yet I still know what is right and what is wrong. Try to notice when smokers are trying to be polite. I know it is rare!

  8. I'm so with you!! It pissed me off when my boyfriend, some of his and my friend, and I were all outside while we were at school, and he just was lighting up cigs one after another, while little kids were playing around us...

  9. I feel the same way as you do, I don't have any problem with people smoking, hey! I am even against banning smoking in restaurants, I don't have any problem with the smoking and non smoking sections....but what really ticks me off is to see people smoking in front of children, I remember seen a woman at the bus stop smoking with her infant baby on a baby carrier!!! I couldn't believe what I was looking. It bothers me a lot to see this kind of inconsideration, this people should be charge with some kind of child endangerment or something like that.

  10. I would have to agree with you. I am not a parent, but I do not like when people smoke and pratically blow it right in my face, and have no respect for others. But I do have to understand that these people have an addiction, and I believe that they are more interested in their craving instead of who is around when they light up. Yes, it's a horrible habbit. So, I think living smoke free is the best way to be, plus one could save hundreds of dollars just by quiting because of all the cigarettes that are being bought.

  11. No, you're not the only one.

    It's unfortunate that people choose to maintain a habit knowing fully well that it's slowly killing them off, as well as affecting others around them.  Sure, it's addictive, however, my take on it is this -- don't be a moron and start.

    They crave the emphysema, they crave lung cancer.  The lack of caring about their own health/well-being is bad enough, but to put their children through it, as well as everyone else, well, it's just a sad statement they're making.  

    Once they succumb to either lung cancer or emphysema, all you can hope for is that their children end up with a guardian who cares about the health of themselves and the children.

  12. Yeah I agree. My boyfriends mom lost her right to see her grandchildren partly because she smokes and you step into that house for literally 4 seconds and you can't breathe and all of your clothes wreak even when shes not there.

  13. Yes that really bothers me to I dont understand how people are so selfish its not enough they ruin their own body they dont seem give a c**p about it ruining their kids health as well  "sigh" oh well its something I will never understand.

  14. There is nothing wrong with parents smoking in the car or in an open air park.  I light up where I want to and I don't feel bad about it at all.
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