
Does this bring McCains leadership into question?

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Palin was not McCain's first choice for V.P. McCain could not even show leadership in his own party and was strong armed by the right wing nuts of the G.O.P. If he could not stand up to them, why should voters think he will stand up to anyone?




  1. Yes it should, it's so TRANSPARENT what he's trying to do, get the disgruntled HILLARY VOTERS by picking Palin, anyone can see that.  The sad part about it is she's not as fierce as Hillary, she's virtually an unknown, and without much experience she has not completed a full term yet, but yet McC wants to say Obama has no experience!! Ha!! he's too old and she's too inexperienced equals disaster!!

    OBAMA & BIDEN '08

    YES WE CAN!!

  2. She is an excellent choice.

  3. Evidence please? Oh and I strongly doubt that Biden was Obama's first choice either.

  4. what leadrship he stinks and wil let big oil run wild like bush

  5. I've always questioned his judgment...his choice of VP has solidified my continued displeasure.

  6. This shows that McCain will jump into something before really knowing everything about the situation.

    This is much the same way Bush handled the war in Iraq.

    I do not think that this is the abilities of a good leader.

    If you were to apply for a position with a large company for a vip job the president would talk to you more then once to make a choice.

    I am sure that the president of any major company would feel comfortable if it were some one they know and have first hand knowledge about.

    I want the president and the vice president to be smart, quick to think on their feet, and so much more.

  7. It brings his judgment into question. But then, his judgment has always been in question. This is the guy who graduated 5th from bottom in his class at Annapolis, and then only because his 2-star Admiral daddy intervened and insisted he graduate. He trashed two valuable aircraft in training because of bad judgment. He ignored his RHAW in Vietnam (bad judgment) and got shot down. He collaborated with the enemy while a POW. He came back and dumped the wife who'd waited for him for a rich s**t. He got invoved in the Keating Five. And now he selects Palin for Veep?

  8. How do you know that she was not his first choice?

  9. More liberal whinning.

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