
Does this cartoon sum up the problem with GOP voters? ?

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  1. Well the guy in the red hat sums it up for me but most liberals are elitists who think they know whats best for me and my money.

  2. No, it actually proves Democrats have a talent for propaganda and a stereotyped delusion about conservative principles. It should read. "He will tax us into poverty. He will spend us into bankruptcy and he will let terrorists run rampant in the ruins.He fools Democrats so easily with his smooth talking lies" Now, that is what most Republicans have a problem with.

  3. actually, it looks like Clinton supporters during the primaries

  4. not in the least.

  5. What this does is sums up your intelligence.

  6. HA!  Yes!!!

    It's a sad, sad actuality.

  7. The only thing I find highly unlikely would be seeing Obama's face on a TV in a redneck bar...

  8. It is a very accurate depiction of how (non) informed typical right winger are.  They let themselves be deceived to their own detriment.

  9. Sums up the whole problem with America.

  10. Absolutely. It's fascinating that Republicans want respect for their intelligence but they act like that. That cartoon is dead on !

  11. NO that doesn't sum up GOP voters!  If you listen to a liberal than a typical GOP voter makes millions a year, lives in an Orange County beach house in Newport Beach, drives a gas guzzling luxury SUV, makes money at the expense of the blue collar worker, and is making millions more than they need off of Bush's tax cuts that only benefit the rich.

  12. No, It is a reflection of the type of pointless ammo the dems really have. It is proof of their ignorance and lack of real opposing arguments.

  13. I think that holds true for all voters who don't blindly follow party lines. We don't know much about the Community Organizer.

  14. No, it just shows how stupid and "out of touch" a liberal cartoonist is with the American people....Kinda like Hollywood and MSNBC....

  15. Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. No, I think it sums up the problem when people attempt to stereo type a large group.  It makes you seem very shallow, but if it makes you somehow feel better, by all means continue your shallow existence.

  17. Obama voters.

  18. It does describe some, but not all, and certainly overlooks the fact that it wouldn't be difficult to alter the setting to a "wine and cheese party" and substitute other words in the balloons to reflect some common misperceptions of Democrats.  

    The undeniable fact is that we have two totally different and mutually exclusive paradigms of "The Truth" in the United States. One blames Republicans for all the problems in the world, and the other blames the Democrats. These two beliefs cannot both be True, but I doubt that more than one person in five will seriously consider the possibility that they might both be False.

    The fault lies not with either party's beliefs so much as with a populace that accepts the premise that one is correct and the other is not.  The fault lies with the presumption that finding a single fault with one side is conclusive proof that they are 100% wrong on everything, and that this makes the other side 100% correct on everything.  

    This amounts to a substitution of an adherence to a single party for one's own intellectual ability to discern the truth, which may not, and probably does not, actually lie exclusively on either side.  

    The whole problem is that both party's followers have substituted "Loyalty to Party" for "Loyalty to Truth".  Both parties are made up of people that are too willing to believe whatever "their guy" says.

    You appear to be one of them, just as much as the people in the cartoon.  

  19. lol.  It just about sums it up.  Hope they are drinking Cindy's beer.

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