
Does this college girl sound attractive?

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She isn't the typical college girl. She doesn't smoke, drink, party or have s*x. She just turned 18 and is really smart and sweet. She is 5'3 and 130 lbs. Curvaceous.Cuban and African American. Hair cut in a bob and dresses feminie never S****y.

Guys always tend to put her in the friend zone because they think she is too good for them. Then she always gets hit on by 'thug' styled guys.

Does she even sound attractive?

How can she show them that she is the normal datable college student?




  1. Sweetheart, you definately do sound attractive.  however I am a 44 yr old guy here.  Of course a college girl sounds attractive.. LOL

    But really.  Since you dont party, smoke, drink, or have illicit s*x, most guys will just look at you as a friend.  Cause what are they looking for?  party girls who smoke, drink, and have illicit s*x, right?  So, knowing that youre not going to provide them with this, then youre just friend material and someone to talk to.

    As for the thugs hitting on ya and all.  Watch out.  The BAD BOY TYPE are looking for that chase and conquer.  They want to get the girl who normally says no, to say yes.  Its a feather in their cap so to speak.  Thats about it.  They dont even want a friend as the other guys do, they just want to attain that unattainable s*x, thats all.

    Be good, be careful.


  2. she sounds like a winner whats her info mine is tell her to hit me up in chicago

  3. Well i think that this descriptionn sounds like a really nice person.But i think that sometimess, You have to party and have some fun or else people will think you are a goody too shoes and that could be the problem here.  

  4. She sounds gorgeous! And to the jerk above who said she is fat...get a life....

    I have been where this girl is. Stick with who you are, and trust me, the right guy will come along in his own time:) Ignore the 'thugs'. They aren't worth your time. Just continue to branch out, join some clubs, and enjoy yourself!

  5. yes she does sound attractive, people would just have to get to know her thats the only way people will find out!

  6. Be more sociable! They put 'her' in the friend zone because she is frigid! It's all fine being born beautiful but you have to loosen up! You probably come across as a snob , sorry.

  7. Well, she's most probably a virgin so a lot of guys with a conscience will feel bad to take that away. The thug guys you mentioned probably lack a conscience and would grab what they can get. Just because she's innocent and clean doesn't mean she needs to appear weak. She should be able to tell the thug dudes NO! I would tell this girl to wait for the right person and get married instead of trying to find an identity the hard way. Many guys would have mixed feelings - the protectiveness they would feel for a virgin princess like her but at the same time a feeling of want for her. Many people are ethical and let the protectiveness prevail but some heart-criminals do the opposite.

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