
Does this come as a surprise to u regarding I.D. cards?

by Guest59502  |  earlier

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So the all party select committee have come to this conclusion. Haven't the public been saying this for some time. R they really listening.

Why do we need I.D. cards. if this information can be misused and probably will be, which negates the whole point of the I.D. cards.




  1. Politicians listen to their constituents? Nah, don't think so.  This is just another way to get money from everyone.  And how safe can this data be with the amount of people who will have access to it? They've already LOST data umpteen times, why should this be any different? BUT if this IS applied EVERYONE should carry ID with NO exceptions.

  2. all you need to know about id cards is there are for our security but celebs(beckams etc) AND POLITICIANS  will not need to have them, why? well security of course.

  3. You do need I.D. cards, it helps police know who you are in a crisis, such as an accident or a large catastrophe, it also helps fish out all the people who should not be in Britain so we can send them back to where they belong quicker, there are far too many foreigners wondering around Britain who have no rights to be there, every other country has them so why should Britain always be the soft touch of the world, if you get stopped in France for example and you have no I.D then you spend a day or so in the local nick until some one can prove who you are

  4. I.D.card was a good idea in checking illegal immigrant and crime prevention.

    actually, the idea of I.D. card had been implemented in Hong Kong (an ex-colony of Britain) for more than hundred years.

    Good to see Britain is in line with Hong Kong.

    I.D. card can be used to prevent infiltration of Taliban and al Qaida. It provided better tracing for MI5 to stop King's Cross bombing

  5. Some one in government has to do something new to make the people think they are doing something other than get a paycheck

    .. . ..

    And a ID card will go over like a jar of ants at a  picnic

    . .. .

    Why did you bring those dumb things for

    .. .. ..

  6. No, not really,  I believe GB ,proposal of I.D card introduction,

    obviously is causing concern. But it seems to work here in

    Spain without probs, however it has been in Force here for Years.

    I believe, a sensible approach in Britain is required.

    Merits, disadvantages, costing,  advantages relating to return & benefits regarding compulsory introduction.

    But Basically,depends who will pay it ,for this ?

  7. I am against the I.D. card. I have a biometric passport which serves the same purpose.

    Why should I have to pay for the privilege of being monitored and spied on at every turn?

    The way the government agencies handle our details is a far greater risk to security than any individual!

  8. I do not need an I.D. card as I have a photo driving licence and passport. I.D. cards will be used as another 'Big Brother' snooping tool.

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