
Does this comment about a child with Down Syndrome make anyone else sick?

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"Personally, I find it a little disturbing that this woman put her politics/beliefs over a child's life, and decided to go ahead and saddle her own child with a disorder that will impede him from living a fulfilling life. I feel bad for the kid"

I couldnt believe she got thumbs up for this answer.

So now its ok to kill children that we dont think will live a life worth living or as "fulfilling" as ours???????

Can anyone else understand why picking and choosing abortions for any reason a woman might want makes some people very nervous and disgusted?




  1. The Obamites show their true colors.

  2. Some people shoot off their mouths. I'd like to see what this woman would do if she were faced with that decision.

    PS: Agree with St Lilith.

    PSS: MMBB2 is being facetious.

  3. abortion is murder. after a women has s*x they have about 72 hrs. before there pregnant.

  4. thats right! kill all the useless eaters! why limit ti to just abortions? why not euthanize all handicapped people? they cannt cotribute to society anyway. theyre just a burden on us tax payers!

  5. I think she was implying that the mother was putting her job before the needs of the child.

    Edit- oh? I would like to see this so that I can read it for myself. That way I can see exactly what the person said. And I never once said anything like that.

  6. Who does she think she is to decide the value of another life? That is awful. I know people with various different abilities, and their lives are certainly as worthwhile as mine.

  7. I didn't care about the question being worded like it was.  She didn't choose for her child to have the disease.  She might have had the choice to have the baby knowing that it would be born this way.  I myself have disabilities that I was born with and I consider myself no less of a person because of them. In fact,  because of the hardships I have gone through (and people making fun of me)  I think I am stronger for it.  I think people are selfish when they want a perfect baby and they choose to get an abortion because they might have found that there was a problem.  

  8. I have very mixed feelings about this.  My uncle has down's syndrome, and he did some very inappropriate things to me when I was a child.  I know he has suffered a lot over the years, too.  I don't think it is an easy issue.


  9. people are selfish and shallow

    If a baby is going to be born with a lot of complications they would rather kill it then have it upset their life and routine.

    these people feel the same way about marriage.

    If it does not go the way I want just leave.

  10. We all need to pray for this child and his/her blessed mother and father that they all be up to God's challenge of bringing up God's special child.

  11. What is the value of life? Is it better to die or to be tortured to death and then die? This question is here to help you understand that sometimes people don't want to live. Sometimes life sucks so much that you want it to stop. If a parent is to kill their child to prevent suffering is it your place to stop this? If there really is a God will He send the slain child to h**l ?

  12. Sure, people with Down's Syndrome can't live a "normal" life, but who are we to decide who to let live, and who not? My uncle (well, my second cousin), has Down's Syndrome and he's a very happy guy. Sure, he doesn't really get what's going on osme of the time, but she's a really happy guy. "Think of the pain this child is going to suffer"??  Uncle Jay isn't suffering any pain. It's the people around him having to make sacrifices to let him have a better life. And they don't mind. Because he is a person.

    This comment board is sure a battlefield...

  13. Very gripping: the whole thing should debated threadbare in a seminar with plenty of time for everyone to discuss!

  14. Harlequin Syndrome is far worse than Downs Syndrome. Babies with Harlequins babies are in pain for a few hours until they die.

    Most unborns with Harliquins are aborted to spare the mother and the physical pain of the enfant.

  15. Who are you talking about?  

    I know many people that have Down Syndrome children.  Some severely disabled; others not so severe.

  16. How old was the child? If it wasn't born yet, you're twisting words horribly, to suit your agenda.

  17. Yes that is disturbing to think someone can make that judgment about another life.  Hitler believed the same thing.  Before the holocaust happened Hitler was already a murderer.  His country was guilty of murdering the mentally ill and physically ill because their ideology deemed them unfit for life.      

  18. This is Sparta right?

  19. You're sick.

    I agree with that answer. Why have a child knowing how miserable (s)he will be? That's just selfish of the mother.

    The person is VALUABLE, yes. But think of the pain (s)he will have throughout life.

    I'm not sure about people with Down's Syndrome. If they're perfectly healthy otherwise, let them live. But having a condition that is actually painful - rethink that choice.

  20. I know a lot of children and adults with downs syndrome and they are the most beautiful happy loving people I wish every body had downs syndrome

  21. People can become heartless savages without God. They used to sacrifice their children in Biblical times to the pagan god Molech, by passing them through the super-heated arms of the idol and roasting them to death.

    Today they do the same thing in effect by abortion, burning a fetus in saline solution, and think they have become very sophisticated, but they are no different:

    "They worshiped their idols,

           which became a snare to them.

      They sacrificed their sons

           and their daughters to demons.

      They shed innocent blood,

           the blood of their sons and daughters,

           whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan,

           and the land was desecrated by their blood. "

    Psalm 106:36-38

  22. I think the fact that the suicide rate for those with Down's syndrome is virtually nonexistant speaks for itself.  I used to be a counselor at a summer camp for the mentally retarded, and they are very happy people.

  23. I am the one who posted that, and I don't think her life is less valuable than mine or anyone's. I don't think people with Down's Syndrome are less valuable. I don't think they should be killed. I really and truly feel bad for them. They should be loved just like anyone else.

    But I don't think abortion is murder. I think life isn't "life" until it is viable (can survive on its own). Up to that point, it's a development of cells that has the potential for life.

    And I am really and truly hurt by the idea that people will put themselves first and not their child in these decisions. If I found out that I was going to give birth to a child who would be profoundly retarded and have birth defects and always be in pain but never able to express it, I would put the child first and abort it, if it wasn't yet viable. As much as it would pain me, really destroy me, to lose a potential child, it is nothing compared to the pain I would be inflicting on that child by saddling it with a less than wonderful life. I only want wonderful things for my children.  

  24.   God gave all free will and this allows us to make poor choices without any fear of judgment.. It is not good for any to judge another for any reason..This is not God's way..Our purpose is to live God's way and to be an example for others..God will never judge, condemn or punish(nor should we)

  25. All the down's people that I've ever seen thru the years; they each seemed happy and had smiles on their faces.  They don't see deeply into things so they don't get bogged down by things emotionally.  They enjoy life.  Live and let live.  

  26. They talk the talk but can't walk the walk. We are living in a  selfish society who can use their imaginations to condone this.

  27. To put it in perspective... For years my mother has decided not to have children... she had the chance every month but decided to let those potential children go down the drain (or the trash, I don't know).

    After four children, she decided that any more would cause a burden to all the rest of us... the quality of all of our lives would have dropped significantly.

  28. I'm cognitively disabled myself (Asperger's Syndrome), so yeah that particular comment did leave a bad taste in my mouth, yes.  

    It is the woman's right, however.  If she wants to bear and raise a child with special needs, that's her choice.  It's also her choice to abort it.  If she knows that she wouldn't be able to take care of it, I think it'd be a sound decision.

    Yes it's noble to choose to have and raise a child with special needs, but it's not an easy decision to make.  And people who decide that they can't do it shouldn't be looked down on.

  29. "An amniocentesis is offered to women over 35 during pregnancy to see if there are any abnormalities. I had one and I was relieved when it came back normal."  The amniocentesis is great for finding Down's, but that is all it finds, we were told our daughter was chromosomaly fine, but she was born with Pfeiffer Syndrome, but even if we had known, we wouldn't have done anything about it, because every life is precious.  She has to endure stares, and numerous surgeries, but we have decided to give her the best medical care possible, and make her life as normal as we can.

  30. I'm with you.  Absolutely disgusting.

    One of the apostles, I'm sorry my memory fails me as to which, once told a family that their reason their child had Down Syndrome was to protect him from retaliation from Satan and the Third while he was in his mortal state.  This young man had in the pre-existence been one of those very righteous who physically escorted Satan and his followers out of the presence of the Father.

    How many other Down Syndrome children are of the same ilk?  I believe they are all those that proved themselves before and are only here for a body.  Just being around them brings one so much joy, you cannot deny that they are truly special children of our Heavenly Father.

    To believe that such a soul is worth less because of a physical deformity that is but temporary is disgusting and shows the state of the person that says it's soul, not the child with down syndrome.  

    I believe having a Down Syndrome baby would be a blessing from God, because it is showing me that he trusts me to care for one of his most special children.

  31. I propose the restoration of Hitler's,"Third Reich" ...Let's save only the blue eyed,blond hair babies,that are not predisposed to various malicious,genetic markers(all forms of cancer,diabetes,sickle cell anemia etc...not to mention anatomical inconsistencies,the deaf,dumb,blind..We would need to hire the best of bio geneticists,to screen the majority of  potential "useless eaters."(quotes are of Adolph Hitler)....

    I visit everyday,a 12 year old girl and her family,that I was instrumental in saving from the act of abortion...There was never any indication that this child was to experience any health challenges what so ever,as the mother had previously given birth to 3 very bright,beautiful looking children. There was no warning that this little girl would require  medication for seizures,(caused by a very mild form of cerebral palsy),would be emotionally delayed,clumsy and without therapy, potentially could suffer the effects of scoliosis,in the future...We also were not advised that she would need to be placed in special educational schools,mingling with others that suffer various and similar health related challenges,including "Down Syndrome"...

    And finally,we were unaware that she was to be an absolutely beautiful little girl both physically and spiritually...She has been such a joy to countless numbers of people,that have been fortunate enough, to meet her...Though challenged in many areas scholastically,she excells in memorization skills that are simply amazing...She remembers every name and face that she encounters and has been observed quoting 5 minute dialog from favorite movies with,or ahead of the actor's words. She is so sweet spiritually and friendly to everyone.(almost too friendly) and though I have children of my own,can not imagine life without her...She has brought such joy to others,including family,various cashiers,pharmacyists,bankers etc...(and usually knows a little bit about each one,including their names,which she happlily greets them by....

    So...Think she should have been aborted?...What if she was not physically beautiful,sweet and amazing in so many ways?  What if she had very little to offer?...I know what Hitler believed and how he would have responded...

    It amazes me, that civilized human beings,even need to have this discussion....


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