
Does this condition make me inadequate ? would it depress you ?

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im waiting for a follow up appointment with a dermatologist after the first one was abrupt and dismissive of the complaint.....told me it was nothing.

ive been checked out at the sexual health clinic months back who told me it was nothing, they couldnt find anything on the test......but to go to my doctor to maybe refer to a dermatologist.

the problem and concerns i have is regarding my p***s, when erect, its only just about 6 inches or maybe just below.

plus the head of my p***s is small, alot ive seen have a big mushroom , broad appearence........mine doesnt but is flat.

also the reason im seeing the dermatologist is because the skin covering the head of my p***s is all torn and cracked.....the surface of the skin is all looks very unusual.

normally the head of a male p***s as a smooth baby skin appearence.

mine is all cracked, like little tears covering the head part.

the dermatologist said she didnt think it was a skin disorder, she didnt know if the cracks will eventually clear but said they might ' reduce ' in time..

meanwhile she reccommended i use simple emoliants to wash down below.

she also refered me to have pictures taken of the skin to be sent of to a specialist for more reccommendations..

i have to see the dermatologist again in a couple of weeks for the outcome of that..

im 30 years old now and im really anxious about this a man i feel very inadequete and inferior..

i hope to god, i pray that the cracked skin will clear up in time.....the not knowing is really tormenting me.

can anyone offer me advise or hope about this ?

i have my forskin.......the condition doesnt very sensitive down there.......i can get erections ok...

i have a forskin, but the skin is still all cracked and teared.




  1. well obviously I am not a male but I can tell you a couple of things... most average size for a man is 6-8 inches and they always seem to think bigger is better and they could not be more wrong.. it isn't about the size it is about whether or not the man knows his way around a woman's body and knows how to use what God has given him correctly. as for the skin issue... I know once I got a really bad yeast infection and my husband caught it from me and that sounds exactly like that your describing. Men can get it from women. As far as keeping yourself clean you have to remember to pull that skin all the way back and clean well under it and all around it everyday! I hoped this helped you some anyway. best of luck to you.

  2. hydrocortisone cream is all you need  and no its does not make you anything  

  3. I don't like circumcision as a tool for the masses but if your p***s is fine except for a problem with your f******n it might help you.

  4. What you been using when you m********e?  That might be causing some kinda reaction to your p***s.

    I would avoid any odd lotions which you mighta been using for lube.  And wash your privates good a couple times a day at least.  See if that doesn't make it go away.

  5. apply some Vegetable Glycerin

    apply some Gold Bond Ultimate Lotion

    apply some castor oil

    apply some Vitamin E oil (highest potency willing to pay for)

  6. This condition has nothing to do with the fact you are uncircumcised.  Keep your f******n.  The lady who told you to get yourself cut may not realize (but should have told you) if you do this, you will lose some sexual sensations you may not want to give up.

    The condition may have been caused if you used an abrasive either to wash the head of your p***s or when masturbating.

    Keep the head clean but don't use anything harsh to wash it.  I'm sure your dermatologist will assist you.  She likely needs to consult her male colleagues since women doctors probably don't see this condition too often.

  7. Hi.  are you circumcised?   if not, you may want to consider getting circumcised,  it's healthier, safer & cleaner,  it's almost painless,  & heals quickly,    not all men have huge mushroom shaped heads, I've seen & been sexual with a few men,  who have had flat p***s heads too, it's all good, so don't think less of yourself.......  how long has this been happening to you?  maybe you are allergic to condoms if you use those?  or you could be allergic to your lady friend's vaginal area.  but Please get yourself circumcised, this may help solve this issue.  Good Luck, but Please do not let this affect you as a man.... OK!   Hugs & A Pinch to that cute butt of yours........... SMILES!   :-)

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