
Does this conflict with russia-georgia affect the u.s.?

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does it im 15 so im not sure how it works.....




  1. Georgia is a part of the Coalition of the Willing and currently contributes 2000 troops in Iraq. They are pulling out 1000 of those troops to support their fight against Russia.

    Both sides are our allies but Georgia stepped up when few other countries were dumb enough to help us in Iraq.

    It's gonna be an issue in terms of our efforts to support diplomacy.

    We've already issued a statement ordering Russia to support Georgia's right to be a free and sovereign country.

  2. Doubt we'll get involved but this is a pretty delicate situation... if we get involved into any more conflicts there is certain drafts on the way (which none of the top military officials want) and possibly every citizen will have to serve 2 years in the military like israel

  3. Russian-Georgian tensions have been raging for years ever since the break up of th Soviet Union. Russia still feels that it has rights to countries that were formerly part of it.

    Georgia is an ally of the United States and have worked to try to join NATO. Russia is well aware of Georgian intentions to do so and are taking advantage of the United States being at war in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.

    Georgia is a tiny country with no where near the military power to Russia. Georgia is pleading for help to come from somewhere so they dont get smashed to **** by the Russians. If NATO decides to respond they will back Georgia and go to war with Russia. Hopefully, if and when this happens the Russians will back down and rescind their declaration of war.

    If not, it could very well start another world war, undoubtedly which the US will be involved in. Lets hope things dont sway that way.  

  4. Yes. As a US allie in the region and the gas and oil pipelines that coulb soon be under Russian control, it will effect us. Have you not nticed the Russians have already been using their vast Oil and Natural gas supplies to Eastern Europe to coerce and manipulate the Baltic States and the rest of Eastern Europe? When the Czechs agreed to the proposed US missile defense system, Russia shut off the oil and gas to the Czech Republic,

  5. There are U.S. troops training the Georgian troops in Georgia. And reports say that Russia bombed some of the Georgian bases. But, I've heard no reports of U.S. troops being injured. Still, Georgia will be withdrawing its troops from Iraq immediately to head home for defense of their country.  

  6. NO. I'll tell you why. It is true that US are allies for Georgia, but United States Government won't interfere the war. The problem is not they are afraid. The problem is Georgia is not country, the object o vital importance that US is going to go straggle for... if it was United Kingdom US would declare war to Russia. But not for Georgia... It is in the sphere of  Russia influence, it is simply to close to Russia

    Remember the Cold War? The Cuban Incident. Even then Soviet Union had to step back - it was to close, simply near the US territories. And Soviets knew US would react in a truly military way. Now the situation is very alike, almost opposite.

    The answer is No    

  7. It could affect us. Georgia is a strong ally of the US, so if they get swamped by the Russian military, we're almost obligated to do something

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