
Does this constitute over-absorbtion or suffocation?

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When I go into my favorite internet cafe I notice that a certain young lady about age seventeen is always accompanied by her father. Often they both arrive on motorcycle. On one particular afternoon she appeared to be on a date with a young man her own age. Her father was seated about eight feet away.

Since I have no children I would like the opinion of others. Is this over-absorbtion or not? If it is how is it potentially harmful?




  1. Does she seem nervous or annoyed by her father's presence?  Perhaps this is a way they enjoy spending time together.  And supervised dating for a 17 year old?  In this day and time, it doesn't sound like that bad of an idea.

  2. how do u no thats her father????  how do u no the yung guy was her date an not jus a frend???  ur making lots of guesses bout ppl u dont no...  u never no wat other ppls real situatons r like... u got no right making judgments bout other ppls lifes....

  3. I think it's suffocation.  She's 17!  She should be allowed to go on a date for a few hours and then have to come home by a curfew, and that's it.  I mean, she's about to leave the house in a year or so, so the father should be letting her spread her wings a lot more to get ready for the real world.

  4. yes it is don't suffocate your kids because you'll push

    them away especially when it's a father and daughter

  5. She may look to be 17 but may be much younger.

  6. Gosh! I guess he is a very overprotective parent. It's good that he cares about his daughter, but he ought to allow her to have her own personal space. The girl *could* be spending with friends and other family members instead of being with her dad all the time. Maybe it's compromising her social life? On a psychological level I don't think it's healthy for her dad to be overly absorbed with her like that.

    And a girl on a date surely doesn't want her father sat nearby. That's creepily overprotective.

    Peace! :)

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