
Does this count as child abuse?

by  |  earlier

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my dad used to get angry at me a lot, and hit me over the head quiet hard with an open hand. i've never got a cut or a bruise or any acutall physical damage at all, but he would hit me and even if i started crying he'd hit me again, sometimes repetatively.

he once hit me with a belt because id taught myself not to cry when he hit me with his hand. he only hit me accross the butt though, and all i got was a red mark not for very long. he hasnt hit me or anything for ages though.

does it count as child abuse?

my worried friend keeps telling me i've been abused.




  1. i think your friend told you the answers  

  2. Be very careful about going down this road. Child abuse is basically when a child is struck, neglected or if handled in a sxually inappropriate manner. THe laws have changed to the degree that a simple hiding is now considered abuse. No one has the right to hurt you, if it is serious call child services but be prepared because your situation may end up a lot worse than it is now.

  3. He Alliee,

    First thing, what i will say you is, I dont think that your dad did hit you for his own shake. Might be you have done some mistakes and so he did it..

    Indeed hitting any child and making damage to him is child abuse, but that doesn't mean u should take any sort of legal action for it.

    What i suggest you is, listen to all but do what your heart says? Indeed your friends told you that you are legally abused but have they ever turned you up when you are doing mistake,. Its your mom or dad who makes you aware of your wrong doings. I hope you can get me what i mean to say.

    Try to take everything positively and see how normally the life goes hmm.

    Hope you will keep my suggestions in mind.


    Kamlesh Jha


  4. Any physical assault on a child is child abuse.

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