
Does this damage your eyes...?

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Does opening your eyes under water at a swimming pool damage your eyes? Thanks!!




  1. The cholrine probabaly isn't best for it. Pain is your body warning you and cholrine burns. Even if it doesn't hurt you, it's probabaly best to protect your eyes from any sort of chemicals.

  2. not a really unless the u just shocked it aka. it has a high clorine content. id say if possible try to avoid opening your eye for extended peroids just becuase it stings a little

  3. I'm 50 and have swum in chlorinated pools my entire life. I taught swimming for a living for 4 years (IN the water) and was a lifeguard.

    I've had my fair share of chlorine in my eyes, even to the point of discomfort, and it never hurt me.

    If you're worried, wear goggles.

  4. anythhing with an extra substance is bad for your eyes, (except those solutions that you put in your eye for cleaning it). it's best if you stick with goggles. the only time you shouldn't be using goggles if your playing waterpolo.

  5. well i mean they tend to get red , itchy, swell up , and might be blurry but that usually lasts about 1 day and visine easily soothes the eyes, as for long term effects i dont know any to date im 100% positive that it doesnt damage your eyesight [except when it's blurry but like i said that goes away] so dont worry about it but i still suggest you wear goggles.

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