
Does this dance look hard?

by  |  earlier

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It seems pretty advanced to me...




  1. I think it looks advanced

  2. It takes a LOT of energy and stamina, but the moves aren't hard at all.

  3. no its  not hard...once u learn the steps and repeat 'em, your going to say... "oh this was easy to do"

  4. no


  5. me too

  6. It looks hard to the beat, but once you slow it down, break it down into counts and bits, practice till you feel like your legs are going to fall off, it's really not that hard. you may get confused and such, but really, it's not that hard.

  7. Well, the dance itself doesn't look hard, but you could consider the group advanced because they do it SO together AND it looks easier than it really is (which is one of the goals in dance: To make difficult things seem easy.)

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